Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Upcycling the Red
Mul on üks punane pross, mille üks filigraanplaat mind päris palju häirib. Prossi tegin juba ammu valmis, sai siin blogiski näidatud. Kuna mul tookord filigraanidest selles suuruses midagi paremat polnud, kui too õnnetu, siis kasutasin seda odavat õhukest plaati. Pross koosneb kolmest osast: lilledega, filigraan plaat (mida tahtsin vahetada) ja tagus, millel prossinõel ning ripatsid. Nüüd sain ilusaid suuri messingust plaate, millel ilus tekstuur ning korralik antiikvaskne kiht peal ja otsustasin plaadi ära vahetada. Tahtsin ka need kristallkivid swarovskite vastu vahetada, ent kahjuks oleksin pidanud kõik ära lammutama. Ja kuna ma väga kahtlesin, kas üldse suudan neid kolme kristallikestega ehtenõelu (seal üleval) sama moodi paigale fikseerida, siis jäid swarovskid panemata.
Ja siis kui hakkasin pilti tegema ja avastasin, et olin lilledega osa valepidi kinnitanud :) Aga selle sai kiirelt ja punastades ära parandatud...
I had this red brooch that had a stamped filigree plate I didn't like. I made it long time ago and showed it here in this blog. Since I didn't have any other stamping in that size I really had no choice but to use this cheap thin plate. This brooch consist three parts: the one with flowers, filligree plate (the one I wanted to replace) and back filigree with brooch pin and bead dangles. Now I received some pretty brass plates with beautiful texture and proper antique copper plating and I decided to replace the old one. I also wanted to change the crystal stones with swarovskis but it turned out I had to break everything down for that. And because I seriously doubted I could fix the three rhinestone pins (on the upper part) the same way again, I couldn't do that.
When I started to make photos I discovered I attached the flower part upside down :) Too embarrassed to think about photographing it I quickly fixed my error...
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