Olen selliseid kivikesi juba ehetes kasutanud. Ise nimetaksin neid kuukiviklaasiks, sest see on klaasist kuukivi imitatsioon ;) Selline klaas näeb välja siidjalt helklev, mis annab eri tugevusega värvi sõltuvalt sellest, kuidas langeb valgus. Enamus selliseid ehtekive koosneb kahest osast: alumine siidjas klaas ning ülemine läbipaistev klaas. On ka ilma läbipaistva klaasita (või siis on see läbipaistva klaasi kiht nii õhuke, et ma seda ei näe) ent neid on väga vähe.
Nagu ikka, arvasin ka selle klaasi puhul, et "moonstone glass" on edasimüüjate iseloomustus kuni sain enda valdusse rohkem originaalpakendeid. Osadel neist pole mingeid vihjeid kuukivi imitatsioonile (vt viimaseid pilte), vaid värvi ette on lisatud kood, mis arvatavasti viitab sellisele siidjale klaasile. Aga on ka pakendeid, kus ühel on kirjas "moonstone" ja teisel "moonshine".
Kõik originaalpakenditega kivikesed on valmistatud Saksamaal. Huvitav kas tšehhid tegid ka sellist klaasi?
Nagu ikka, arvasin ka selle klaasi puhul, et "moonstone glass" on edasimüüjate iseloomustus kuni sain enda valdusse rohkem originaalpakendeid. Osadel neist pole mingeid vihjeid kuukivi imitatsioonile (vt viimaseid pilte), vaid värvi ette on lisatud kood, mis arvatavasti viitab sellisele siidjale klaasile. Aga on ka pakendeid, kus ühel on kirjas "moonstone" ja teisel "moonshine".
Kõik originaalpakenditega kivikesed on valmistatud Saksamaal. Huvitav kas tšehhid tegid ka sellist klaasi?

Tekstuuriga kuukiviklaas/Moonstone glass cabochons with textured surface

Vanim selletaoline klaas minu kogus, mis valmistatud okupeeritud Saksamaa US-Tsoonis. Pakendil on kirjas "Moonshine"/One of the oldest cabochons in my collection, these were made in US-Zone of occupied Germany. It has a word "Moonshine" written on it

Sinised kandilised klaaskivid originaalpakendiga, millel kirjas "Moonstone". Roosad tilgakujulised kivid olid mul ühed esimesed seda sorti klaaskivisid/ Blue squaeshaped cabochons with original package, it has a word "Moonstone" written on it

Kuukiviklaasi oli mitmes värvis, lisaks siin toodule on mul veel beeži, lillat, halli, aqua-sinist ning tumerohelist. Kindlasti on neid veel/They used to make Moonstone glass in a variety of colors, addition to the selection here I have also beige, violet, grey, aqua-blue and darker green. I'm sure there are more colors than these

Need on eelmisel real olevate kivide pakendid. Need on valmistatud Lääne Saksamaal, pakendil on värvi ette lisatud kood/ These are the packages of the stones shown on the previous row. These were made in Western Germany, there are number code added to the color
I've used these kind of glass stones before. I'd like to call them moonstone glass (as some retailers), because it imitates moonstone ;) This kind of glass has a soft silky look and shows more or less color depending the light. Most of them consist from two parts: the bottom half is from silky glass and top is from clear glass. Ihave some without clear glass top (or it is just too thin for me to see it) but there are really few of them compared to others.
Again I thought that moonstone glass was a term created by the retailers to describe this glass until I got more original packages. Some of them do not have any word related to moonstone (see the last two photos) but have numbers before the color name - perhaps to describe the silky glass. But there are also a package with word "moonstone" and "moonshine".
All original packages I have are from Germany. I wonder if Czech used to make these too?
Again I thought that moonstone glass was a term created by the retailers to describe this glass until I got more original packages. Some of them do not have any word related to moonstone (see the last two photos) but have numbers before the color name - perhaps to describe the silky glass. But there are also a package with word "moonstone" and "moonshine".
All original packages I have are from Germany. I wonder if Czech used to make these too?