Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring is in the Air

Küllap ma pole ainuke, kes tunneb õhus kevadet, hoolimata lumest. Kuldsed ehted annavad ennast ikka veel oodata, sest täna koristasin oma töönurka (...seda juhtub harva) ja leidsin pooliku käevõru. Lõpetasin selle ära ja tegin pilte. Väikse uuendusena kasutasin mitut värvi.
Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket

I suppose I'm not the only one who senses the spring in the air despite the snow around everywhere. I still haven't started with gold color jewelry but I cleaned my working space ( rarely as I do) and found unfinished cuff bracelet. So I finished it and made some photos. I guess it's new to me for using so many colors.