Ma tean, et ma püüdsin (ja püüan edaspidigi) kullavärvi kasutada, ent millegipärast tuli välja, et tegin ehteid hõbedavärviga. Olen selliseid ehteid teinud varem ka ja mäletan, et eriti just poolvääriskividega oli see häda, et ehtenõelad ei mahtunud helmest läbi ning neid tuli viilida. Ja see on jube tüütu ja väsitav, eriti kui tegemist on väikeste helmestega, millest raske kinni hoida.
Aga nüüd just hiljuti sain kätte palliga ehtenõelad, mis olid jube lühikesed (18mm) ja jube õhukesed (vist 0,5mm). Kartsin, et need ei kõlba kuhugi. Ja tuli välja, et need jube lühikesed ja jube õhukesed ehtenõelad sobivad just poolvääriskivihelmestele! Tegin paar katsetust, mis kujunesid päris mitmeks (ülejäänutest teinekord), ja olen nende ehtenõeltega väga rahul. Siin on lihvitud must oonüks koos turmaliinikildude ja värvitud mageveepärlitega. Kaelakeeripats on kreemika puuvillanööril.
Aga nüüd just hiljuti sain kätte palliga ehtenõelad, mis olid jube lühikesed (18mm) ja jube õhukesed (vist 0,5mm). Kartsin, et need ei kõlba kuhugi. Ja tuli välja, et need jube lühikesed ja jube õhukesed ehtenõelad sobivad just poolvääriskivihelmestele! Tegin paar katsetust, mis kujunesid päris mitmeks (ülejäänutest teinekord), ja olen nende ehtenõeltega väga rahul. Siin on lihvitud must oonüks koos turmaliinikildude ja värvitud mageveepärlitega. Kaelakeeripats on kreemika puuvillanööril.
I know I said I'm planning to use more goldcolor in jewelry but it came out I chose silvery metal components instead. I've made thiskind of pendants before and I remember that beads from semiprecious stones particularly had very small holes and I had to use bead reamers to make them usable. It was really annoying and frustrating especially when beads are small.
But now I received some headpins recently, these were quite short (18mm) and quite thin (I think 0,5mm). I was afraid that these are not suitable for anything. But it turns out that these ball headpins being quite short and quite thin are perfect for semiprecios beads! I made a couple attempts (that turned into many but more about them in the future) and I'm really pleased with these headpins. Here is a set from faceted onyx, tourmaline chips and dyed freshwaterpearls.
But now I received some headpins recently, these were quite short (18mm) and quite thin (I think 0,5mm). I was afraid that these are not suitable for anything. But it turns out that these ball headpins being quite short and quite thin are perfect for semiprecios beads! I made a couple attempts (that turned into many but more about them in the future) and I'm really pleased with these headpins. Here is a set from faceted onyx, tourmaline chips and dyed freshwaterpearls.