Saturday, May 10, 2014

English Cut Beads

Here are some examples of  vintage beads that are so-called English-cut beads. It refers to the special faceting these beads have. Glass beads are pressed first and then some facets are cut, removing the rim created by the pressing pliers in the middle of the bead. The cutting creates a sparkling facets but I have some beads that are left uncut. Beads on the photos are from my collection.

Vintage klaashelmedperles ancienner de verre
English-cut beads in light blue. So-called silk glass brings out the
middle line where the upper and bottom mold has pressed the
Vintage näidiskaart klaashelmed perles ancienne de verre
Vintage sample card with "English-cut" beads that salesmen used.
vintage klaashelmed perles ancien de verre antik perlen
These beads have a mix of opaque white and transparent blue glass.
Vintage ja antiiksed helmed perles ancienne de verre alt perlen glas
Selection of English-cut bead hanks. The beads in the middle were
left uncut so the rim from pressing glass is still visible.
Neid vintage helmeid nimetatakse "English-cut". Mis viitab helmeste omanäolisele tahulisele kujule. Helmed pressitakse tangide vahel, andes nendele kuju, ning hiljem lihvitakse osad tahud üle, et eemaldada pressimisest tekkinud rant. Mul on mõned helmed, mis pole viimast lihvi saanud ja seetõttu on neil see rant veel alles. Siin on helmed minu kogust.


Kista said...

Väga kenad helmed, eriti sinise ja valge kirjud!

Katrin mdmB said...

Need sinisekirjud on tõesti huvitavad :)