Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bracelet with mesh chain

Oi, kuidas ma otsisin sellist "kootud" torukujulist ketti, vaskset loomulikult. Pärast pikki otsinguid oli ainult üks vaste, mis oli valmis kaelakee. Ja see polnud sugugi odav. Pidasin maha pika lahingu enesega, kas pole mitte liiga kallis? kas ma suudan selle tükkideks eraldada nii, et tükid kasutuskõlblikud oleks? kas suudan nende tükkidega midagi valmis saada? kuidas küll lõpetada sellist ketti?
Ühesõnaga palju küsimusi :) Passisin paar nädalat ja tegin ostu. Sisse tahtsin panna eelpainutatud traadi. Ja siis tuli uus, veel suurem küsimuste hulk. Näiteks see, et mismoodi ma selle eelpainutatud traadi seal sees saan nii, et ei libiseks ega loksuks. Eelpainutatud traadi ots oli nii terav, et lõhkus natuke "kootud" toru! Tundsin, et iga hetk võib see täiesti kasutuskõlbmatuks muutuda. Kujutage ette, et kulutad millegi peale raha (sisimas tead, et liiga palju) ja see ähvardab su käte vahel ära laguneda!? Ma pole varem nii palju südant valutanud ühe ehte pärast...

Pärast "kootud" keti kinnitamist läks muu kergemalt. Töö käigus pidin palju asju tegema teisiti, kui plaanisin aga ega see midagi uut ju pole :) Beežid klaaspärlid kristall ehtekividega on väga klassikaline kombinatsioon! Ja kettidest ripats paneb punkti, selle tegemisel ma pidin lubama endale, et teen selle kümnest ketikesest, vastasel juhul jään rahule viiesega (on ennegi juhtunud). Tagantjärele olen mõelnud, et väga omapärane oli kogu see protsess. Selles mõttes, et asümmeetriline ehe pole minu puhul tavaline ning kui aus olla siis ega eelpainutatud traatki pole mul lemmik.
Pildistamine osutus väga rakseks, aga ma tõesti püüdsin... Et pisut õigemat muljet edasi anda, tegin pilti ka kipskäel ja enda käsivarrel.

Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket

How did I wanted to find a mesh chain like that, in copper colour ofcourse. After a long search there was only one answer, a finished necklace. And it wasn't cheap. It was really difficult to make a desicion. Isn't it too expensive? can I take it apart so I can use the pieces? can I make something out of these pieces at all? how to finish the ends of this chain?
So I had a lot of questions :) I waited a couple of weeks and bought it. I wanted to put a memory wire in it so it would keep its shape. And then I had even more questions. Like how on earth will I get memory wire to stay inside this mesh chain so it would be still and wouldn't slide? The end of the memory wire was so sharp that it broke the mesh chain from inside from a couple of places! I felt terrible and was afraid that I will just ruin it. Can you imagine the feeling if you would have bought something (knowing inside that it's way too expensive for experimenting) and then you'd see it can fall apart in your hands any time?! I haven't had so much heartache over a jewellery pice like this time...

After I managed to attach mesh chain things were easy. During the process I had to change many things but it's nothing new is it :) Classic light beige glass pearls and crystal rhinestones go so well together! And chain tassel suits great, heh, I had to promise myself I make it out of ten chain, otherwise I may settle with five chains (it has happen before). Thinking back the whole process seems so strange. I mean, asymmetry isn't really easy for me, and to be honest then memory wire isn't my favourite by far.
Photographing this bracelet was so difficult, but I really tried... To give a more real impression I also made a photo and another photo.