Thursday, July 29, 2010


Oojaa, täna on vahva päev! Sain kätte Beads Bee 6nda numbri. Mõnusad pastelsetes värvides ehted ning seal on pisut lähemalt ka traadiga töödest (kolme disaineri lemmiknipid), traadi heegeldamist (neid on tegelt vist igas numbris) ning pisut polümeersavikunstnikest.

Teine pakk pole niivõrd poodlemine, vaid pikaajaline tellimus, mis sai tehtud kevadel. Osad teavad, et kui Tšehhist enam antiikvaskset traati ei saanud, tellisin suures koguses erinevaid traate, lootuses neid oksüdeeida (eriti siis just vasktraati). Ent vasktraadil oli kaitsekiht peal ning kuigi üritasin seda koos antiiksete vidinatega koos kasutada, ei meeldinud mulle lõpptulemus. Ja paljud ehted jäidki nii poolikuks. Tahan tänada kõiki, kes on mult seda traati vähemaks ostnud! Õnneks traat süüa ei küsi ja halvaks ei lähe, nii et jõuan seda kokku kuhjatud kogust müüa veel päris pikalt.

Aga jah, traati oli ju mul ikka vaja - antiikset vaske. Tean ainult ühte kohta, kus seda saab. Leppisin tohutu tellimuse miinimumsummaga ning neelasin alla üüratu postikulu ja tehased pandi tööle. Ja nüüd pärast pikka ootamist sain traadi kätte koos njummide vidinatega! Pildil näed ümmargust karpkinnist koos sõelaga (selle kaunistan ise ära), imepeenikest palliketti ning kõrvarõngaid koos filigraanplaadiga.
Photobucket Photobucket
Today is a good day indeed! I received Beads Bee magazines number 6. Lots of lovely jewelry in pastel colors and a bit more about wire works (three designers show their favourite tricks), wire crocheting (I guess every number has about this) and little ovreview of polymer clay artists.

Othe package is not soo much about shopping, but an order I made in spring. Some of you know that when antique copper wire vendor in Czech stopped supplying it, I bought a lot of different wires with idea to oxydize it (copper wire among other). But the copper wire had a transparent coating that made it untarnishable. Although I tried to combine shiny copper with antique I didn't like the outcome and lots of jewelry stayed unfinished. I want to thank you all who bought that wire from me! I guess it's not all bad to have over 400 coils of wire at home, it's not like it needs to be fed or has a best before date.

But I still needed antique copper wire. I know only one place in the world where I can have it. I accepted the huge minimum order value and after many "second" thoughts I agreed with horribly huge shipping costs and the factory started to work. And now after so long waiting I have my wire with other beyond cute accessories! On the photo you see a round box clasp with perforated disc (that I will make all pretty whith my rhinestones and beads), extra fine diamond cut ball chain and leverbacks with filigree plate.