Monday, January 16, 2012

...and the winner is...

Alustasin laupäeval loosinimekirja tegemist. Kontrollisin linke... Nummerdasin kõik reeglitele vastavad kommentaarid. Seekord tegin loosi samuti vanamoodsalt - paberlipikutega :) Proovisin, kas mu kass aitab mind loosimises ka sellel korral, aga ta vaatas mind nii ükskõikse näoga, et polnud kahtlustki - see lootus oli asjata. Natuke ilmutas huvi, aga ainult viisakusest. Niisiis jäi see au mulle.

Palju õnne võitjale: Janeli!

Photobucket Photobucket

On Satruday I started to make a list of participants. Checked the links... and gave numbers for all adequate entries. I used old fashion paper tags, again :) I wanted to see if my cat would assist me like she did last time, but she gave me that stare and there was no doubt - my hopes were false. She showed some interest but only for being polite. So the honor was mine.

Congratulations to the winner: Janeli!