Thursday, July 23, 2009


Suvine värvivalik: türkiissinine, valge ja erkpunane :) Sellise paari olen teinud suurte punaste klaaskivikestega, need läksid eile Portugali teele. Natuke kurb oli ka, ei tea täpselt mille pärast. Punusin punastest swarovski ehtekividest (värvi nimi Cherry Red II) pärlikübarad. Need türkiissinised kivid on klaasist ja käsitsi tehtud, seepärast on nende muster pisut erinev.

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Photobucket Photobucket

Summer colours: turquoise blue, chalk white and bright red :) I've done a similar pair of earrings wiht big red glass stones, they're on they way to Portugal now. A felt a bit sad, don't know exactly why. I weaved a pair of bead caps from swarovski rhinestones (color name: Cherry Red II). These turquoise blue stones are made of glass and by hand, that is why the pattern is never exactly the same.

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