Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Antique Shops in Tallinn vol 2

Teisipäeval, 7ndal juulil käisime Terjega jälle Tallinna antiigipoodides, et otsida huvitavaid ja inspireerivaid asjakesi :) Esimest korda tegime sellise eksursiooni aprillis ja selle kohta saad lugeda siit.
Me alustasime juba tuttavast tillukesest poekesest Müürivahe tänavalt, kuna Terje lemmikpross jäi teda sealt kummitama ja huvi pärast tahtsime näha, kas see on veel alles. Oli :) Nüüd on see Terje oma. Mõnusalt soe vastuvõtt ja väga kasulikud nõuanded iseloomustavad seda kohta! Ja muide, kuulsime, et "meie" sõbrannad olevat käinud külastamas teda pärast meie esimest käiku. Ei oska öelda, kes need olid või kuidas meid omavahel seostati, kuid juba tore on mõelda, et keegi pärast tollase postituse lugemist samu poode läks külastama :D

Kuna me olime samal teel, kus eelminegi kord, siis kiikasime ka Müürivahe 17/ Väike Karja 5 nurgapealsesse poodi. Seal nägin ühte väga armsat ehtekarpi, mille eesmärk on puhas edevus - pisikene, klaasist seinad ja padjake, mis kunagi vist oli kaetud siidiga. Siid oli täies ulatuses üles hargnenud või lagunenud ja seetõttu vajab see karp lisa tööd. Sinna vist mahuks üks pross... Miks ma küll seda ei pildistanud!? See oli nii armas. Hind oli päris krõbe - 1200eeki (palun-palun ostke mu ehteid, et saaksin seda karbikest endale lubada!!!)

Järgmisena hüppasime sisse Rae Antiiki Raekoja platsi ääres. Ma alati küsin, kas ma tohin pildistada ja ausõna ma ei solvu, kui mulle öeldakse, et seda ei lubata. Kuid miks pidi see naine nina alla hõõruma, et iga lisa liigutus tema poolt on tema aja raiskamine ja et asju näidatakse lähemalt ainult siis, kui sa selle ostad. Kui Terje ütles mulle, et lähme ära, et talle ei meeldi seal, siis lahkudes kuulsin, kuidas selja taga öeldi, et väga hea, et teile siin ei meeldi. Ma ei tea, miks ta nii käitus või mis võis seda põhjustada.

Eks see natuke rikkus tuju ka, kuid niimoodi ei tahtnud me oma ekskursiooni lõpetada... Ja siis leidsime Raekoja platsi lähedal ühe teise, poe Antiik, mille aadress on Kinga 5. Ääriveeri üritasime tajuda sealviibivate naisterahvaste meeleolu. Meeleolu oli väga viisakas ja soe ja sellest julgust saanuna küsisin luba pildistamiseks. Selle vastu polnud neil midagi, see tundus neile vist pisut pentsik :) Oh, kui palju ilusaid asju seal oli!!! Ja kui palju ehteid! Üritasin pildistada, aga kui on nii tohutult palju, mida tahaks näha, siis pildistamiseks aega ju ei jää. Sellest poest on üks mu selle ekskursiooni lemmik (lisaks klaasist karbikesele)! Üks Tšehhoslovakkia lihvitud klaashelmestest kaelakee, 1960ndatest!!!

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*Large brass cuff with tiny peridot-green cabochon (Müürivahe 17)
*Gorgeous cuff links from silver filligree and mother of pearl (from Müürivahe 17, now Terjes ;) )

*White enamel-coated silver brooch with oriental look, backside (Müürivahe 17)
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*Really tiny silver locket from Imperial Russia, miniature-enameled, size comparison with matchbox (Müürivahe 17)
*Beautiful silver ring with what it seemed to me was tiny sparkling marcasite rhinestones (Müürivahe 17)

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*(Terje wanted me to photograph it...) A brass stamped brooch that has been silver plated (Antiik, Kinga 5)
*My favourite Czechoslovakian necklace from 1960s, colors are milky white and bronze, close up (Antiik, Kinga 5)

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* Necklace from bone(?) carved beads (Antiik, Kinga 5)
* Silver brooch with dangles and cabochon that looked for me like it's from a mineral. But it does seem like a Picasso's painting :) (Antiik, Kinga 5)

*Cute silver butterfly brooch, and it's filligree! See size comparison with my fingers (Antiik, Kinga 5)

Tuesday on the 7th July, we went to visit antique shps in Tallinn with Terje to find interesting and inspiring accessories :) First time we went to a trip like this in April and you can read more about it here.
We started our journey from little shop at Müürivahe we had visited previous time because Terje couldn't get that brooch with blue stones out of her head. And guess what, it was still there :) But it's not there anymore, now it's Terjes. Heartwarming welcome and really helpful tips are something you can always find in there! And btw, we heard that "our" friend had visited that shop after our first journey! I do not know who they were or how did the lady associated them with us, but isn't it really cool to think that somebody after reading my post wanted to take the same route!!? :D

So, then we visited the antique shop on the corner of Väike Karja 5 and Müürivahe 17 again. I saw a beautiful jewelry box with one and only purpose of vanity - small, with glass walls and a cushion that was probably covered with silk some day. There wasn't much left of the silk so it will definately need some extra work... I think this box may fit one brooch... Oh, why didn't I take a photo of that!? It was so cute. And quite expensive - ~100usd (please-please buy some of my jewelry so I could afford that box!!!).

Next we stept into shop Rae Antiik, at Town Hall Square. I always ask permission to photograph and honestly I do not take it personally when I'm told I can't. But why did the lady there strongly accentuated the fact that any compliance on her behalf was waste of her time and we could see items closely only if we were buying them. When Terje told me that she wanted to leave and she didn't like that place I heard that woman saying (while we were leaving) that it's great that we didn't like it there. I really don't know why she behaved like this or what may have caused it.

This experience brought us down, but this wasn't the best way to end our journey... So we found another shop Antiik near the Town Hall Square, Kinga 5. We were really careful to foresense the mood of the two ladies at the shop. They seemed to be good-hearted and I cathered myself to ask the permission to photograph. They had nothing against that and it may have seemed a bit funny to them :) Ahhh, there was so many beautiful things there!!! And so much jewellery! I tried to make photos but if there so many things to see, it's hard to find the time! I also found my favourite from this trip (adition to that glass box). It's a vintage Czechoslovakian necklace with faceted glass beads, from 1960s!!!