Vaatasin, et mu album on punnis täis pilte, mis kunagi foorumis näidanud ja mida nagu pole põhjust uuesti esitada. Aga samas meeldib mul teha tagasivaateid ja nii alustan oma uue blogi uut traditsiooni, kus valin iga kuu ehteid värvi järgi näituseks. Selle kuu värviks on mul sinine. Sinisel on palju toone ja varjundeid ja seekord on siin valikus soojem türkiisi/ranna sinine. Samuti on tehnikaid erinevaid. Teises tulbas on üks käevõru fimost helmestega, milled kinkis mulle liisbet.
I looked at my album and it was full of pictures I had shown once at forum. I thought it would be fun to show them again... So I think I'll make a brand new tradition to my new blog to choose one color in a month and show old pieces in that color. I chose blue to this month. Blue has so many different shades, in this pick I chose a sort of warm blue turquoiuse/beach tone. Jewelry shown here is made in different techniques also. In the second column there is a bracelet of fimo beads that were a gift from liisbet.