Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Sea, beach and sunset

Soome helmefoorumis Helmetti toimub iga kuu ehete tegemine vastavalt mingile teemale. Seekordne teema oli Meri, rand ja päikeseloojang. Tükk aega polnud ühtegi ideed... Kuid siis saabus pakk Hill Tribe ripatsitega!!! Värvide valikul endale eriti piire ei seadnud, sest igaüks ju teab, et merel on tohutul hulgal värvinguid ja ilmeid. Käeketti lükkisin turmaliini, magevee pärleid, ametüsti, granaati, krüsopraasi, swarovskeid ning muidugi hõbedat.

*There are monthly thematical jewelry makings in a finnish forum Helmetti. This month the theme was Sea, beach and sunset. I had no idea at first... But then a package arrived with Karen Hill Tribe pendants!!! There was no limitations with color choice for me. I guess everybody knows that sea has many colors and looks. I strung the bracelet from tourmaline, freshwater pearls, amethyst, garnet, chrysoprase, swarovskies and ofcourse silver.

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