Friday, September 28, 2007


Praegu on pooleli pikk lariat-tüüpi kaelakee. Kalasaba ehk ndebele. Kasutan TOHO seemnehelmeid ametüst lillad ja lillad metalsed. Suurus 11/0. Ma ei tea täpselt, kuidas ma lariat'i otsad teen. Mul on mingi mustmiljon ideed ja samas pole ühtegi...

Right now I'm making a long lariat. Herringbone aka ndebele. I use amethyst and purple iris TOHO seedbeads. Size 11/0. I don't know how exactly I'm going to make the ends of the lariat. I have like zillion ideas and yet none at all...


Christina J. said...

Great color. I'm interested to see how you decide to end it!

Katrin mdmB said...

Then there's two of us :) I also can't wait to see how I end it...