Showing posts with label ndebele. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ndebele. Show all posts

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Herringbone / Ndebele Stitched Bracelet

Leidsin, et Miyukid sobivad Tšehhi seemnehelmestega rohkem kokku kui TOHOd. Viimased on nagu suuremad ja need valged näiteks panevad käeketi serva natuke lokkima. Et siis tulevikus katsun TOHOsid eraldi kasutada. Kasutasin Nymo D niiti, mistõttu ehe drapeerub hästi. Käekett on 4,2cm lai, helmestega osa 15,4cm pikk, koos kinnisega 17cm, lisaks veel 5cm pikenduskett. Mustri sain Maaritilt.
See armas vaskne käbi tuli Ameerikast ja pidi ootama mõned kuud, kuna ma lihtsalt unustasin ära, et osalesin ühes ühistellimuses... Aitäh tellimuse koostajatele selle vedamise eest ja selle eest, et mulle meelde tuletasite :)
Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket

I found out that Miyuki seedbeads go better with Czechs then TOHOs. TOHO seedbeads are bit bigger and that's why the white beads make the border of this bracelet a bit wavy. Note for myself: use TOHOs separately. I used Nymo D. This bracelet is 4,2cm wide, beaded section is 15,4cm and with clasp it is 17cm long, plus 5cm extender chain. Pattern is from Maarit.
This cute sopper color metal cone is from the States and had to wait some months because I forgot I took part from an ordering... Thanks for the people who organized this and thank you for reminding me :)

Need to Bead

Viimasel ajal on eriti hinge kraapinud soov helmespõimingut teha. Ja muidugi kalasaba tehnikat (herringbone/ndebele), sest see ju mu lemmik :) Kui sain 40kg Tšehhi seemnehelmeid, siis läks asi susisema. Aga helmespõimingud võtavad ju aega! Ja kui ma juba alustan, siis ei suuda ma seda pooleli jätta ega käest ära panna. No olgu. Ja siis nägin Lohhi/Skvipe blogis seda kaelakeed! Nüüd olin juba kindel, et lähiajal võtan seemnehelmed ette. Aga mida täpsemalt teha, ei teadnud. Ning siis nägin Maariti käeketti! Oh ja ah, see muster on nii ilus! Kirjutasin talle järgmisel sekundil ja küsisin luba mustrit kasutada, mille ma sain koos täpsustustega, aitäh! Ta on nutikalt kasutanud ristpiste mustrit!

Kuid uskumatu!!! Mul POLE piisavalt seemnehelmeid! Et saaks rahulikult värvikombinatsioonidega mängida, ja 11/0 suurust just... Viimasest Tšehhi laadungist oli mul (ainult) poolekilone 11/0 oliivroheline läbipaistmatu sort, muideks jubenunnu värv :) Ja sellest lähtusin. Kombineerisin TOHO ja Miyuki seemnehelmestega. Ma kardan, et mul saab see roosa otsa enne, kui käekett valmis... Alustasin eile, tundub, et lõpetan täna.

Lately I've been feeling need to work with seedbeads. And in herringbone/ndebele stitch ofcourse, because it's my favourite :) When I got 40kg seedbeads from Czech I coulnd't resist the idea. But seedbeading takes so much time! And I know when I start I cannot put it away and I'll end up working for hours'n'hours. Well... And then I saw Lohh/Skvipe's necklace! It was decided I'll start soon but with what I had no idea. And then I saw Maarit's bracelet! Oh my, this pattern is gorgeous! Next second I sent her an email with asking her permission and some questions. I received an answer soon, thank you! She's so clever, she used embroidery pattern!

But unbelievable!!! I DON'T HAVE enough seedbeads! Enough to be able to play with color combinations, in 11/0 size... What I had was (only) 1/2kg package of opaque olive green seedbeads from the last Czech order, that is by the way most lovely color :) So I started with this. I combined some TOHO and Miyuki seedbeads. I'm afraid I'll run out of the pink ones before I'm finished... I started with this yesterday and it looks like I'll be finishing today.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Coral Red, Pearl and Black AB

Ei, ma pole unustanud oma erkpunase eksperimenti. Eesmärgiks on seda värvi tundma õppida nii, et suudan seda kokku panna rohelisega ja ka tulemusega rahul olla :) Et see poleks liiga jõuluteemaline. Varem olen katsetanud pärlmutriga ning türkiisrohelisega. Ega seegi kord midagi enneolematut suutnud teha, ikkagi selline "turvaline" värvivalik. Sest pärlid sobivad peaaegu, et kõigega ning must samuti. Vbl ainuke selline kahtlus-proovimine-õnnestumine oli nende mustade AB helmestega. Külmatooniline läige annab sellele kombinatsioonile palju juurde. Kelluke on ndebele tehnikas ja 15/0 Miyuki seemnehelmestega. Metalliks valisin seekord peamiselt hõbedase. Kaelakee on väga liikuv :)

Photobucket Photobucket

No I haven't forgotten about my experiment of finding color combinations with bright red. I wish I could learn to know this color so well that I'm able to put it with green and be happy with the result :) That the result would not be too into Christmas theme. Previously I have tried bright red with MOP and turquoise green. I still don't feel comfortable with this color so this time I also tried a "safe" combination. Because pearls goes with almost anything and so does black. Perhaps the only moment of doubting-trying-succeeding was with the black AB beads. This gives that "something" to this whole color combination. The flower is stitched with ndebele from 15/0 Miyuki seedbeads. Metal components are mostly silvery this time. This necklace has a lot of movement :)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Another Project with TOHOs

Tagasi TOHOde juurde :P Ostsin Silverpointist TOHOsid juurde. Oi, kui ilusad need beežid on! Kui klaas on läbipaistmatu on helme kuju palju paremini näha ja kui tegu kvaliteetse seemnehelmega, on pilt väääga kena :)

Sellest on tulemas kaelakee, praegu on see veel pooleli. Värvidest olen kasutanud beeži, helesinist ning rosaline-nimelist roosat. Loomulikult on siin kasutatud ndebele/kalasaba mustrit :P

I bought some TOHO seedbeads from Silverpoint. I'm amazed by the beauty of beige seedbeads! Opaque glass shows more the shape of the beads and when you're looking at seedbeads with quality the view is pleasing :)

This will be a necklace, right now it's unfinished. I used colors like beige, rosaline and light blue. And ofcourse I use ndebele/herringbone stitch here :P

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spiral tubular ndebele vol2

Teine katsetus spiraalse ndebelega. Selle toru sees on musta värvi nöör ning seemnehelmestena kasutasin TOHO 11/0 ümaraid musta ning metalse roheka toonika helmeid. Nii see kui ka esimene käekett on tehtud kolme paariga, mitte neljaga nagu Bead&Buttoni õpetuses, kuna minu arvates on selline jämedus just paras. Ja käesolev on parajalt selline siiruviiruline :)

Hehe, mul oli kaks paberilipikut postkastis, varsti saab pakki!!!

Second attempt on the spiral ndebele. Inside the tube there's a black colored lase, and I used 11/0 TOHO round seedbeads in colors of black and green metallic. I made this and the first bracelet with three pair of seedbeads instead of four as taught in Bead&Button because it looks better in my opinion. And this one also looks swirly :)

Yeiiii, I had two postoffice notices in my post, it means I'll get some packages!!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spiral Tubular Ndebele

Sain oma õelt sünnipäeva puhul Bead&Button'i aastatellimuse. Nüüd eile sain ma kätte juba teise numbri. Osad ütlevad, et neile ei meeldi seal olev rohke reklaam, kuid mina leian selle olevat pigem inspiratsiooni allikas kui segav asjaolu :) Ma olen üks lootusetu ndebele fänn. Olen teinud erinevates tehnikates helmenööre/-torusid (ka heegeldanud), kuid miski ei saa ndebele vastu. Spiraalne ndebele uues numbris oli minu jaoks uus ning pani südame kiiremini põksuma. Ma veel öösel enne magamaminekut proovisin ära, muidu poleks uni tulnud.

Siin tagasihoidlik käekett läbipaistvate ümmarguste 11/0 TOHO seemnehelmestega ndebele, mille sees on helesinine atlass-nöör. Ühe otsa kaunistasin erinevate pressitud Tšehhi klaashelmestega ning T-kinnise ühendasin mässitud aasadega.

Veel tahtsin lisada, et mul on juba pikemat aega probleeme blogiga. Kord ei saa sisse logitud, kord saan, aga lingid ja tekstid on segamini üksteise peal või puuduvad üldse. Ka selle postituse kirjutamisel on Dashboard täielik segadus. Kui mu postitustes on mingeid jamasid sees, siis palun kannatust, loodan, et see probleem ei kesta väga kaua.

I had a Bead&Button year subscription as a birthday present from my sister. Yesterday I received a second issue. Some people find all the advertisement disturbing, I see it as more as a source of inspiration :) I'm absolutely a fan of ndebele/herringbone stitch. I've done beaded tubes in different off-loom tehcniques (even crocheted) but nothing gets even close to ndebele. Spiral tubular ndebele in the new issue was something new to me and it sure made my heart jump from joy. I had to try it before I went to bed yesterday night because I probably would have had some trouble falling sleep.

Here is a modest bracelet from transparent blue round 11/0 TOHO seedbeads, there's a light blue rat tail lace inside. I embellished one end with different Chezh pressed beads and attached T-toggle with wire wrapped loops.

I wanted to let you know that I've had some trouble with my blog. Sometimes I can't log in and if I can then dashboard is an absolute mess and links and texts are all over the place or aren't there at all. I hope this post will appear to you ok. If it doesn't please be understanding for I really hope everything will be back to normal in time soon.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Ndebele lariat is finished!

Lõppude lõppude lõpuks sai ndebele kaelakee valmis! Pikkust on sel 120cm pluss 6cm pikkused otsakaunistused. Kaelakee kaalub 133gr, millest otsakaunistused moodustavad enamiku :) Nööriosa on põimitud ümber paela, mistõttu muidu seest õõnes ndebele põiming hoiab tugevalt ja kaunilt. Kasutasin TOHO seemnehelmeid (11/0 hele ja tume ametüst kokku 40gr, 11/0 metalne lilla 30gr, 4mm metalne lilla kuubik 14tk) ja Tšehhi klaashelmeid. Nööri osal on pikitriibud ning otsakaunistused on korall-stiilis, millele lisatud julgelt suuremaid helmeid :)
See kee on müüdud!

Finally I've finished my ndebele lariat! It is 122cm long plus fringes on the ends that are 6cm each. The whole lariat weights 133 gr, most of the weight comes from fringes :) The rope part is made on a string, so the ndebele stitch that is hollow inside hold strong and pretty. I used TOHO seedbeads (11/0 light and dark amethyst altogether 40gr, 11/0 metallic purple 30gr, 4mm metallic purple cubes 14pcs) and different kinds of Chech glass beads. Rope part has lenghtway stripes and fringe is done in coral-technique with some bigger beads :)
This lariat is sold!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Ndebele lariat pole ikka veel valmis. Tehtud on kogu paela osa, vaja teha veel otsakaunistused... Praegu on otsad sellised poolikud - sinna tuleb igasse helme auku korallstiilis kaunistused.

The lariat in ndebele is still not finished. I've made the whole rope-part, but the ends are not done... Right now the ends look like you can see from the picture - from every (TOHO 4mm cube) bead there will be a fringe in coral-tehcnique.

Friday, September 28, 2007


Praegu on pooleli pikk lariat-tüüpi kaelakee. Kalasaba ehk ndebele. Kasutan TOHO seemnehelmeid ametüst lillad ja lillad metalsed. Suurus 11/0. Ma ei tea täpselt, kuidas ma lariat'i otsad teen. Mul on mingi mustmiljon ideed ja samas pole ühtegi...

Right now I'm making a long lariat. Herringbone aka ndebele. I use amethyst and purple iris TOHO seedbeads. Size 11/0. I don't know how exactly I'm going to make the ends of the lariat. I have like zillion ideas and yet none at all...

Monday, July 16, 2007

Must kulla ja roosaga/Black with gold and pink

Tere jälle! Tegu ühe tellimustööga. Agselt pidi kaelakee olema selline pikk lasso-taoline, kuid TOHO seemnehelmeste vähesuse ja juurde hankimise keerukuse tõttu sai tehtud teistsugune. Kaelakee on tehtud ndebele-tehnikas. Lisaks seemnehelmestele on seal veel roosasid ning kullakarva helmeid. Kinniseks on suurem helmes, tundus, et nii sobib paremini. Tulemas veel käekett ja kõrvarõngad.

*Hello again! This was first ment to be a lariat style necklace but since I didn't had enough TOHO seedbeads nor the time to order some more I had to make some rearrangements. Luckily the person to who it is made to was still interested when I showed the picture of a detail I showed you in the post before. Again it's ndebele. I used some pink and gold-tone beads. Clasp is simple with a bead, seemed perfect for this piece. There are bracelet and earrings yet to be done.

Friday, July 6, 2007


See kaelakee valmis juba mõni aeg tagasi. Ndebele on üks mu lemmikuid pärlipõimimise viise (vt postituse lõpus olevaid linke). Tundub, et töö läheb kiiresti ning kalasabamuster on lihtsalt võrratu! Kasutasin musta värvi ja mati viimistlusega TOHO seemnehelmeid. Otstesse loomulikult väiksed tutid, mis muidu mõjuksid tagasihoidlikult kui poleks kasutanud metalliläkelisi lihvitud helmeid. Kaelakeed saab kanda mitmel viisil, kaks on ka pildile jäädvustatud. See kee on müüdud.

*I made this lariat a while ago. Ndebele is one of my favourite beading technique. Seems as if work goes faster and that herringbone pattern is just adorable! I used matte black coloured TOHO seedbeads. Ofcourse I made little tassels too that would seem modest if there weren't some sparkly fire polished beads with metalic colour finish. It can be worn in different ways, two ways are shown on the pics. This lariat is sold.
Tasuta kalasaba/ndebele õpetused/ Free herringbone/ndebele tutorial: