Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spiral Tubular Ndebele

Sain oma õelt sünnipäeva puhul Bead&Button'i aastatellimuse. Nüüd eile sain ma kätte juba teise numbri. Osad ütlevad, et neile ei meeldi seal olev rohke reklaam, kuid mina leian selle olevat pigem inspiratsiooni allikas kui segav asjaolu :) Ma olen üks lootusetu ndebele fänn. Olen teinud erinevates tehnikates helmenööre/-torusid (ka heegeldanud), kuid miski ei saa ndebele vastu. Spiraalne ndebele uues numbris oli minu jaoks uus ning pani südame kiiremini põksuma. Ma veel öösel enne magamaminekut proovisin ära, muidu poleks uni tulnud.

Siin tagasihoidlik käekett läbipaistvate ümmarguste 11/0 TOHO seemnehelmestega ndebele, mille sees on helesinine atlass-nöör. Ühe otsa kaunistasin erinevate pressitud Tšehhi klaashelmestega ning T-kinnise ühendasin mässitud aasadega.

Veel tahtsin lisada, et mul on juba pikemat aega probleeme blogiga. Kord ei saa sisse logitud, kord saan, aga lingid ja tekstid on segamini üksteise peal või puuduvad üldse. Ka selle postituse kirjutamisel on Dashboard täielik segadus. Kui mu postitustes on mingeid jamasid sees, siis palun kannatust, loodan, et see probleem ei kesta väga kaua.

I had a Bead&Button year subscription as a birthday present from my sister. Yesterday I received a second issue. Some people find all the advertisement disturbing, I see it as more as a source of inspiration :) I'm absolutely a fan of ndebele/herringbone stitch. I've done beaded tubes in different off-loom tehcniques (even crocheted) but nothing gets even close to ndebele. Spiral tubular ndebele in the new issue was something new to me and it sure made my heart jump from joy. I had to try it before I went to bed yesterday night because I probably would have had some trouble falling sleep.

Here is a modest bracelet from transparent blue round 11/0 TOHO seedbeads, there's a light blue rat tail lace inside. I embellished one end with different Chezh pressed beads and attached T-toggle with wire wrapped loops.

I wanted to let you know that I've had some trouble with my blog. Sometimes I can't log in and if I can then dashboard is an absolute mess and links and texts are all over the place or aren't there at all. I hope this post will appear to you ok. If it doesn't please be understanding for I really hope everything will be back to normal in time soon.