Külaskäik postkontorisse oli väga saagirikas. Sain korraga kätte kolm saadetist! Esiteks sain kätte k-arvutisalongist tellitud fotod. Olen olnud väga laisk ning peaaegu et tervest 2007 aastast oli ülevaade tegemata, pildid valimata ja fotoveebi saatmata. See valiku tegemine on paras peavalu ja ju seetõttu ma seda pidevalt edasi lükkasingi. Seekord tellisin 169 fotot korraga. Miks ma k-arvutisalongist neid tellin? Esiteks saan tellimuse teha kodust lahkumata ja teiseks muidugi soodsa hinna pärast, kuna neid fotosid mul vaja ikka suures koguses. Kahjuks kipuvad nad fotosid mökerdama ka, lõiguvad ääred ära ning mõnikord ajab see ikka vihale ka.
Teine pakk tuli Luxoniast. Tegime sealt ühise tellimuse ussickesega. Nimelt on Luxonias suur ale ja seda tuli ju ära kasutada eksole :)
Kolmas ja kõige suurem pakk tuli Hong Kongist. Nimelt tegin eksperimendi eesmärgil tellimuse yesasia.com'ist, tellides sealt kaks jaapanikeelset raamatut. Ehteteemalist, loomulikult. Maksin PayPaliga ning kuna summa oli üle 25 usd, oli transport tasuta. Tellimuse tegin 2.märstil, täna jõudis kohale. Mul on mingi nõrkus jaapani helmeraamatute vastu, mul on neid rohkem kui inglisekeelseid... Ei ma ei mõista jaapanikeelt, absoluutselt mitte! Mind võlub nendes raamatutes hoopiski sealsed huvitavad värvilahendused ning kohe eriti nende ehete kompleksivaba materjali kasutamine. No tõesti võib seal leida huvitavaid ja ka šokeerivaid materjalivalikuid ühes ehtes, mis aga kokkuvõttes sobivad perfektselt. Mina, kes pean ennast konservatiivseks inimeseks sain alguses ikka šoki küll, nähes, et ühte ehtesse oli pandud plastmassi, swarovkseid, puud ja kristalli. Minu konservatiivsus seisnes ka nn ohututes värvilahendustes (nt monorkomaatia, värv+must/valge, või kahevärvilisus), millest ma tasapisi tänu jaapani raamatutele välja olen hakanud kasvama. Seekordsed raamatud on mõlemad pulmateemalised. Lähemalt neist uues postituses.

I visited Post office today. And received three packages at the same time!
First there was a package with photos of my jewellery. I've been really lazy and discovered that I havent made a photo assortment of my works almost the whole year of 2007. I order photos from k-arvutisalong. The quality isn't the best but since I need quite a lot of photos then cheap price is important, also the fact that I can upload the photos from my computer and have the photos by mail. This time I ordered 169 photos.
The second package was from Luxonia. I made the order in cooperation with ussicke:) There is a giant sale at Luxonia that is still lasting! :)
Third and the biggest package was from Hong Kong. I made an experimental order from yesasia.com, and ordered two books in japanese. About beaded jewelry ofcourse. I payed with PayPal, and since my order exceeded 25usd then I got free shipping (more info of the amounts with free shipping in different areas of the world are here and for US and Canada here). I made the order on the 2nd March and received it today. I've got a "thing" about japanese beading books, I have more beading books in japanese than in english... no, I don't understand japanese, absolutely not! I'm attracted by the interesting color combinations and complex-free material choices. And seriously you can find interesting and somewhat shocking material-combinations that fit together perfectly! I find myself to be conservative and I was first shocked to see a piece of jewelry that combined plastic, swarovskies, wood and crystal alltogether. I was also conservative about the colors and used almost always "safe" combinations (monochromatic, a color+black/white, or used two colors at once). I think I'm starting to grow out of it thanks to those books. Those two books are both in wedding theme and I think I'll write more about them in another post.
Teine pakk tuli Luxoniast. Tegime sealt ühise tellimuse ussickesega. Nimelt on Luxonias suur ale ja seda tuli ju ära kasutada eksole :)
Kolmas ja kõige suurem pakk tuli Hong Kongist. Nimelt tegin eksperimendi eesmärgil tellimuse yesasia.com'ist, tellides sealt kaks jaapanikeelset raamatut. Ehteteemalist, loomulikult. Maksin PayPaliga ning kuna summa oli üle 25 usd, oli transport tasuta. Tellimuse tegin 2.märstil, täna jõudis kohale. Mul on mingi nõrkus jaapani helmeraamatute vastu, mul on neid rohkem kui inglisekeelseid... Ei ma ei mõista jaapanikeelt, absoluutselt mitte! Mind võlub nendes raamatutes hoopiski sealsed huvitavad värvilahendused ning kohe eriti nende ehete kompleksivaba materjali kasutamine. No tõesti võib seal leida huvitavaid ja ka šokeerivaid materjalivalikuid ühes ehtes, mis aga kokkuvõttes sobivad perfektselt. Mina, kes pean ennast konservatiivseks inimeseks sain alguses ikka šoki küll, nähes, et ühte ehtesse oli pandud plastmassi, swarovkseid, puud ja kristalli. Minu konservatiivsus seisnes ka nn ohututes värvilahendustes (nt monorkomaatia, värv+must/valge, või kahevärvilisus), millest ma tasapisi tänu jaapani raamatutele välja olen hakanud kasvama. Seekordsed raamatud on mõlemad pulmateemalised. Lähemalt neist uues postituses.
I visited Post office today. And received three packages at the same time!
First there was a package with photos of my jewellery. I've been really lazy and discovered that I havent made a photo assortment of my works almost the whole year of 2007. I order photos from k-arvutisalong. The quality isn't the best but since I need quite a lot of photos then cheap price is important, also the fact that I can upload the photos from my computer and have the photos by mail. This time I ordered 169 photos.
The second package was from Luxonia. I made the order in cooperation with ussicke:) There is a giant sale at Luxonia that is still lasting! :)
Third and the biggest package was from Hong Kong. I made an experimental order from yesasia.com, and ordered two books in japanese. About beaded jewelry ofcourse. I payed with PayPal, and since my order exceeded 25usd then I got free shipping (more info of the amounts with free shipping in different areas of the world are here and for US and Canada here). I made the order on the 2nd March and received it today. I've got a "thing" about japanese beading books, I have more beading books in japanese than in english... no, I don't understand japanese, absolutely not! I'm attracted by the interesting color combinations and complex-free material choices. And seriously you can find interesting and somewhat shocking material-combinations that fit together perfectly! I find myself to be conservative and I was first shocked to see a piece of jewelry that combined plastic, swarovskies, wood and crystal alltogether. I was also conservative about the colors and used almost always "safe" combinations (monochromatic, a color+black/white, or used two colors at once). I think I'm starting to grow out of it thanks to those books. Those two books are both in wedding theme and I think I'll write more about them in another post.