Ikka meeldib roosa. Roosade helmestega on see jama, et seda õiget tooni leida pole sugugi kerge... Vähemalt on nii see minul. Ja selleks, et saada kokku üks korralik valik, läheb liiga palju aega. Paljud helmed selles käeketis on nö ainueksemplarid, saadud kuskilt helmesegudest või lammutatud ehetest. Seda enam tõstab see minu silmis valminud ehte väärtust ja lausa kahju, et tegemist on tellimustööga... Et oma kahjutunnet pisut leevendada, tegin midagi endale. Nimelt tegin kõrvarõngad. Kuskil ajusopis tagus õrnalt teadmine, et ma ju ei kanna ehteid... ja kui kannan, siis pigem käekette. Aga kõrvarõngad tegin ikkagi valmis. Ja uskuge või mitte, ma olen neid juba peaaegu nädal aega kandnud!!! Ime on sündinud! Eks need pildi peal võivad tunduda pisut kahvatud ja nirud, aga kõrvas on nad nii nunnud! Minu jaoks on suur pluss ka lukustatavad konksud, mis ei torgi kõrvataguseid ning kõrvarõngaste kerge kaal. Olen rahul :)
Käekett on müüdud.
The thing with pink beads is the fact that it's so difficutl to find the right shade of color... At least that's the case with me. And it takes so long time to get the needed assortment for an item. Many beads in this bracelet are kind of rarities for me, picked out from different bead mixes or bought ready-made jewellery. This makes the new combined piece of jewellery even more valuable to me and I was a bit sad knowing that the bracelet was custom work for somebody else... So in the name of self-comfort I decided to make something for myself. Earrings. Somewhere in the corner of my mind there was knowing that I don't really wear jewellery... and if I do then the item would be more likely a bracelet. I still made a pair of earrings. And believe it or not I have worn it ever since (almost a week now)!!! It's a miracle! They can seeme a bit pale and scrawny but they're sooo cute when worn! I realized that leverbacks and the lightness is important for me. I'm pleased :)
Bracelet is sold.