Ostsin jaanuaris viilide komplekti ning lubasin suure suuga kirjutada ka oma kogemustest nende kasutamisel. Nagu korralikel viilidel kohane, on need kaetud teemantitega :D Viilimistööd teen jooksva kraani all. Olen kasutanud neid viile rohkem kui alguses arvasin. Alguses arvasin ka näiteks seda, et hakkan kasutama viile peamiselt käsitsi tehtud helmeste tunnelite puhastamisel.
Aga vot, käsitsi tehtud helmeid ma niiväga oma ehetes ei kasutagi :) Täiesti hädavajalikuks osutus aga komplekti kõige pisem tegelane (kollane viil), tänu kellele ma olen saanud kasutada poolvääriskividest helmeid (millel on tavaliselt väikesed augud) kartmata, et pean kogu niidi helmestest tüjendama leidmaks paari piisava auguga helmest. Nagu näha juuresolevalt pildilt, on BeadSmithi logo sealt juba ära kulunud... Samal eesmärgil saab kasutada ka punast viili, kui kollane oma töö juba ära teinud ning auk võiks helmel veel suurem olla. Sinist viili olen kasutanud harvem, kuid toda rohekat pole kasutanud kordagi! Ehk sobib see rohkem käsitsi tehtud helmeste aukude siledamaks tegemiseks, aga ju on mul siis suhteliselt kvaliteetsed helmed olnud :P
I bought a set of reamers in January and promised to write more about them, how did I find them useful or not. As decent reamers suppose to they are covered with diamonts :D I use reamers under running tap water. I have used reamers more often as I thought at the beginning. I also thought that I'll use them mostly with handmade lampwork beads perhaps to clean the holes or something like that.
It turns out I'm not so eager of using lampworked beads in my jewellery after all :) But I found that yellow reamer is absolutely essential, because thanks for that I had no problems with semiprecious beads that usually have small holes. And it was great not to have to pull off all the beads on a string just to find a pair of beads with holes large enough. You can see that the BeadSmiths logo is almost worn off by now... I use red reamer for the same purpose, when the smaller one (yellow) has done its job, but I need the bead hole to be even bigger. I have used the blue reamer very rarely but I haven't used the greenish one at all! I suppose it's a great thing to have when you need to smoothen the edges of a hole of some lampworked bead, but I guess the quality of beads I have used has been good enough.