Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Üks väike kaunis ripats, milles kasutasin nii swarovski kivikesi, klaashelmeid, seemnehelmeid kui ka mageveepärleid. Leidsin oma mageveepärlite hulgast kaks eriti muhklikku isendit. Varem nad mulle ei meeldinud. Tegelikult on nendel kena läige ning selline muhklik tekstuur annab pärlile iseloomu :)

Motiivi põimisin traadiga pisut teistmoodi kui tavaliselt. Nagu näha, on seal kaks ametüsti ja üks opal värvi kivike (kokku kolm). Korrapärase ümara vormi vastu võitlevad ka kaks mageveepärlit külgedel, tuues kompositsioonis "raskuse" allapoole. Klaashelmestest on nii lillakaid kui ka roosakaid toone. Kui motiivike valmis, kinnitasin selle neljakandilise metallist plaadikesele, millel painutasin tangidega kolm nurka üles, mis moodustasid nagu pesa.

A small pendant I made with wire using some swarovski stones, glass beads, seedbeads and freshwater pearls. I found a couple of pearls with bumpy texture. I didn't like them at first. But actually their shine is beautiful and the bumpiness gives them some characteristic features too :)

I made the motif a bit different than before. As you can see there are two amethyst and one opal colored swarovski stones (so three stones together). The whole motif is not round and regularly shaped. The couple of FWP brings the "weight" down while darker colors are on the upper part. There are glassbeads in colors of violet and pink. When the motif was done I attaached it to a rectangular metal plate. I bent the three corners of the plate up so it became to be a kind of a setting for the motif.