Ma ei ole ära unustanud kuuvärvi. Sellekohast postitust pole veel, kuna mul ei õnnestu pilte panna üksteise korvale. Kui aga on palju pilte ning kõik oleks ükshaaval teineteise all, siis oleks postituse pikkus ju lausa miilides :)
Selle helme tegemiseks leidsin õpetuse Mu blogist (millele viite leidsin Beadibulle'i blogist). Seal on päris mitmeid tasuta õpetusi, mine ja vaata! Mis mind aga selle helme juures köitis, oli ndebele/kalasaba stiilile iseloomulikud jooned. Ja mulle see ju meeldib! Kui vaatad õpetust lähemalt, siis näed ;)
Väikeseid muudatusi tegin ka. Nimelt tegin ülemise ja alumise poole erinevad - alumine on õpetuse järgi, ülemine omalooming. Omaloomingu tingis see, et mul jäi alumine helmes augu kohast liiga palju paistma. Õnneks mahub sinna täpselt see suur sinine helmes :D
I haven't forget about the color of the month. It's just that I have problems with putting pictures in a row next to each other. But when I have a post with many pictures that are all one picture per row, well, this post will be a mile long :)
I found a free tutorial for this beaded bead in Mu blog (found it through Beadibulle's blog). There are more tutorials there, just take a look! But the reason I choose this beaded bead was that it has some similarities to ndebele/herringbone stitch. And I do love that stitch! When you take a closer look at the tutorial then you'll see it ;)
I also did some changes. As you see on the picture of my beaded bead, then the upper and lower parts are different. Lower one is made as tutorial shows, upper one is improvised. The reason for the improvising was that the plastic pearl wasn't covered enough in the area of the hole of that beaded bead. But fortunately that big blue bead fits exactly there :D