Saturday, May 17, 2008

More Brooches

Veel prossidest. Esimene pross oli kuidagi liiga korralik... Tahtsin rohkem pusasid ja asju :D Siin on kolm prossi. Ikka nii, et keskel on isetehtud nööbike swarovski kividest ning klaashelmestest ning selle taustaks erinevad tekstiilid.

Esimene pross on ka vbl korralik - on olemas mingi sümmeetria. Tegelikult olin selle kivikestega nööbikese juba varem valmis teinud (enne kui prossidega alustasin), ning üritasin selle jaoks teha vastavat tausta tekstiilist. Nii läks sinna lillat ja musta pitsi, musta tülli, lillat linti ja organsat ning pisut rohelist siidi. Teine pross on just selline nagu tahtsin - mitte mingit piinlikku täpsuse taga ajamist ega kindlaid korrapäraseid sättimisi. Pruunid hõbesisuga seemnehelmed mängivad hästi kokku nööbi vasksete komponentide ja siidi pruunikate värvilaikudega. Viimasel real on üks roosakas pross kahel erineval taustal. Seal on pitsi, lillekirju kangast ning organsa linti. Ja-jaa, siin on roosad swarovski kivid, mis tähendab, et olen "tahtmatult" ikkagi neid juurde ostnud...

Üritan teha prossid võimalikult väikesed, et ikka reväärile vms ära mahuks. Need prossid on kõige laiemast kohast umbes 4cm. Lilla pross on müüdud.

I think the first brooch (Cherry Blossom) was too neat... I think I wanted more messy look and stuff :D As before I made little buttons with swarovski stones and glass beads and then sew a background with different textiles. Here you can see three brooches.

Well, perhaps the first one is still neat - you can see the symmetry. I have made the button before I even started with brooches and tried to make a background with all the colors. So there are black and violet lace, black tulle, violet ribbon and organza and also a little green silk. Second brooch is exactly as I wanted it to be - no fastidious neatness or anything like that. Brown silverlined seedbeads play well together with copper components in the button and with brown spots in silk. On the second row there is one brooch on different background. You can find lace, flowerpatterned cloth and organza. And yes, those are pink swarovski stones, and that means I couldn't resist and bought some more stones... Violet brooch is sold.

I try to make small brooches so they will fit on a collar or on a neckline. Those brooches are 4cm at the largest end.