On kätte jõudnud aeg, mil tuli tutvust teha swarovski kuulsate rivolidega :) Oi, nad on pimestavalt kaunid. Kivi värv on light rose, kivi all on peegelkiht, mis paneb valguse sillerdama tuhandetes kihtides! Minu esimene töö rivoliga on siin - muinasjutuline sõrmus. See sobiks küll printsessile :) Külgede peal on tillukesed mageveepärlid ning väikesed lilled. Sõrmus tuli pisut suur, aga pole hullu, kõige jämedama sõrme otsas loksub küll, aga ära ei kuku.
Time has come for me to make my acquaintance with swarovski rivolis :) Oh, they are so pretty and shiny! The color of this stone is light rose, it's foiled like a mirror and reflecting light gives so many tiny sparks! This is my first piece of jewellery with rivoli - a ring from the pages of a fairytale. It sure should suit for a princess :) There are tiny freshwater pearls and flowers on the both sides of the rivoli. It came out a bit too big, but it's ok. It's sits loosely but doesn't fall off.