Sunday, June 15, 2008

No self control -> Shopping

Nüüd olen juba mõnda aega otsinud netipoode, et leida erinevate ehtekivikeste võimalikke hankimisallikaid. Eks neid kivikesi ja sobivaid metallist komponente annab vbl osta mitmest kohast. Aga toon välja kolm kohta, kust olen tellinud rohkem kui üks kord ning paar poodi veel, mille järele neelud käivad. Kõige tuttavam koht selle blogi lugejaile on ilmselt Tšehhi Bijoux-components. Sealt on enamus minu metallist komponente ning need väikesed swarovski kivid (flatbacks) koos pesadega (pesad monteerin ise külge). Ja siis kaks uut kohta, mille leidsin läbi Beadibulle blogi. Üks on Belgia la Geode, kus on küll tagasihoidlik valik, kuid see-eest on üle 20eurose tellimusel tasuta tavapost ning maksta saab PayPaliga. Teine koht on Prantsusmaa Perles&Co, kus on palju suurem valik ja mõned asjad soodsamad kui Belgia poes, kuid PayPali võimalust seal pole (tuleb krediitkaardi andmed ilusti sisse toksida). Seal on hea valik kivide erinevaid (sh sew-on) pesasid. Aga on veel mõned kohad, kust tahaksin proovida tellimist - näiteks Prantsusmaa poest nimega Cristalperles ja Belgia poest Bricol´Art. Aga kõike korraga ju ei saa :) Kui oli sellest infost kasu, siis andke teada!

Edit: Bricol´Artist olen telimud nüüd juba mitmeid kordi. Asjaajamine on seal kiire. Kivide valik pole kõige suurem (võrreldes näit. la Geode poega), see-eest on seal päris korralik swarovski helmeste (eriti bicone-kujulisi) värvivalik. Samuti saab sealt kivide jaoks pesasid ning kõrvarõngaid ja sõrmuseid, kuhu ehtekivisid panna.

Edit: Veel üks hea koht ehtekive jahtida on eBay. Trüki otsingusse näiteks sõna rhinestone, chaton, või navette ja leiad palju pakkumisi. Peaaegu alati on vajalik PayPal. Jälgi postikulusid ning arvesta, et alati on risk, et pakk võib kaduma minna (seetõttu on soovitav kindlustus).

I've been lurking around looking for beadshops of different rhinestones/strass and matching metal components. It's time for me to make a little summary of what I've found. I have bought different swarovski stones mainly from three places. First one is familiar for those who read this blog - Bijoux-components in Chech. I buy most of the metal components and those little swarovski stones (flatbacks) as well as the settings for them (I set the stones myself). And the new two places I found through Beadibulle blog. One is la Geode in Belgium, there's a nice assortment of swarovski and preciosa chrystal that could be bigger but for me it's really good the possibility to pay via PayPal and that there is a free standard shipping for orders over 20 euros. The second new place I have ordered from is Perles&Co in France. Now there is a lot bigger assortment and there are some items cheaper but there's no PayPal option. There are some other places that I haven't yet ordered from but want to. Cristalperles in France and Bricol´Art in Belgium. There are some interesting chrystal findings there and I sure like to try ordering from these shops, but it have to wait for now. Can't have everything at once, right :) If you find this post useful, please let me know!

Edit: I've made orders from many times. Order processing is fast. The array of the stones isn't very big (compared for example with la Geode, where there are stones in interesting colors), but there are so many bead (bicones mostly) colors to choose from. And you can get stone settings also ring and earring settings in different metal finishes.

Edit: Another good place to hunt for rhinestones is from eBay. Type word rhinestone, chaton or navette and browse through many offers. You almost always need PayPal. Check for shipping costs and know that there's always a risk of your package getting lost (so insurance is recommended).