Vahel tundub, et rutiin hakkab mõjuma väsitavalt. Vahel tundub, et kõik on hall ja üksluine. Ja vahel tuleb pingutada, et mõelda värvidele ja millelegi teistsugusele.
Siin on table cut türkiisivärvi klaashelmed, lihvitud goldstone helmes ning tillukesed metallhelmed terastrossil. Lihtsalt naeruväärne, kui palju aega mul kulus sellise lihtsa käeketi tegemiseks :) Sättisin neid helmeid igat pidi ja arutlesin, milline neist see kõige parem oleks. Kas mitte lükkimine olegi üks raskemaid asju? ;)
Sometimes it feels like the routine gets really tiring. Sometimes it seems that everything is grey and drab. And sometimes it needs an effort to think of something colorful and different.
Here are turquoise colored table cut glass beads, faceted goldstone and tiny metal beads on a bead wire. It's ridiculous how much time it took for me to get it right :) I strung this bracelet so many times and tried to find the best outcome. Isn't the stringing the most difficult thing? ;)