Ühinesin täna DaWanda kampaaniaga "DaWanda Cup", mis toob hinnad 11% alla. Vaatasin kodus ringi, panin mõned ehted ka poodi üles. Need ehted on rännanud mööda mitmeid poode, kuniks jõudsid tagasi koju ja ma unustasin nad. Poodi panin kunagiste hindadega, nüüd soodukaga ehk leiab mõni neist kodu. Ning üks kihvt leid polümeersavi vallast: mini lilled!
I joined the DaWanda campaign "DaWanda Cup" that brings prices down 11% . So I looked around the house and found some jewellery to list too. These pieces have traveled from shop to shp until they ended up back home and I forgot them. I listed them with the price they once had and now with sale you can find a bargain. Looking around at DaWanda I found this great polymer clay flower shop (see the photo above). Miniature flowers!