Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pink Earrings

Plaan teha sellele komplektile kõrvarõngad lükkus edasi oodatust rohkem. Nüüd on see aga tehtud. Jäin uuesti imetlema neid magusroosasid helmeid ning see, et need on tehtud käsitsi ning igaüks natuke omatpidi lopergune, annab minu silmis nii palju juurde. Ja kuigi on tegu suht õrna värviga, ei lase need helmed ennast segada ka kollasel valgusel. Roosa jääb ikka roosaks. Nagu kaelakees ja käeketis, on ka nendes kõrvarõngstes Swarovski Rose Water Opal ehtekivi ning Tšehhi seemnehelmed.
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I was planning to make a pair of earrings for this set but never got the time. Now I've made it. And again I fell for these sweet pink glass beads and the fact that they are handmade and have variations in shape and size even add value to them. Although pink is a soft and delicate color these beads will not lose their beautiful hue even in yellow light. Pink is still pink. There are round Swarovski Rosa Water Opal rhinestones in these earrings as in necklace and bracelet have a pear shaped one. And Czech seedbeads.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Saturday at Vintage Tallinn

Eile, laupäeval, osalesin Vintage Tallinna'l. Olin kohutavalt pabinas ja sellepärast muudkui rääkisin ja rääkisin. No ja millest, eks ikka vatrasin oma ehetest ja ehtekividest. Ma võtsin kolm pakki ehtekive kaasa, et inimestele näidata. Esimest korda kasutasin ka makseterminali, millega oli alguses raskusi. Minu kõrval oli Mona ehted, sealt Elena aitas mind.

Kokkuvõttes jättis üritus positiivse mulje. Väsitav oli, aga eks sellised asjad väsitavad ju alati. Tore oli komplimente ehete kohta saada ning müügi poole pealt jäin omadega plussi. Nüüd saan maksta tellimuse ehtekivide pesadele, mida mul juba kuu algusest saati hädasti vaja.

Aitäh kõigile, kes külastasid ja tulid juttu puhuma!

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Yesterday, on Saturday I took part of Vintage Tallinn. I was so nervous I kept talking all 6 hours. About my jewellery and rhinestones ofcourse. I even took 3 vintage rhinestone packages with me to show. Yesterday was the first time for me to use a payment terminal from my bank and didn't know how to use it first. Right next to my selling spot was Mona jewellery and Elena there helped me with it.

Briefly said, it was a positive experience. Tiresome, but thiskind of things tend to be that way. It was nice to hear compliments on my jewellery and when looking at sales I did OK. I can now pay for the order of rhinestone settings that I really needed already in the beginning of this month.

Thank you all who visited and came to have a chat!

Monday, November 21, 2011

New attempt

Laadisin fotoka aku, paigutasin valge paberi ja kõrvarõngad aknalauale ning jäin varitsema kõige heledamat hetke. Pildid tehtud päevavalguses (päike pilve taga), kuna statiivi pole, siis kasutasin plastkarbikest ning tegin pisut heledamaks pilditöötlusega (whitepoint, gamma, contrast).

Aga tegelikult on need kõrvarõngad suht väikesed, diameeter 1,8cm.

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I recharged my camera battery, arranged the set with white paper and earrings and waited for the brightest moment. These photos were made in daylight (sun behind the clouds), since I don't have a tripod I used small plastic box to support the camera and made them a bit brighter on computer (whitepoint, gamma, contrast).

Actually these earrings are quite small, 1,8cm in diameter.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

When the brightest time of the day is not enough...

Kui päeva kõige valgem hetk pole piisav fotode tegemiseks, siis tuleb appi võtta tehisvalgus.
Kuna osalen seekordsel Vintage Tallinn vol.5, siis plaanisin teha spetsiaalselt ühe uue seeria kõrvarõngaid. Et oleks miskit värsket pakkuda. Aga jäin jänni pildistamisega... Kõrvarõngastes on ehtekive, helmeid/pärleid ja seemnehelmeid. Päevavalguses tegin pilte ning ükski ehtekivi ei säranud. Nagu neid polekski seal :( Nii ma siis proovisin täna seda teist varianti.

Toon mõned näited fotodena. Vasakul fotod päevavalgusega ning paremal tehisvalgusega. Ja just kõrvarõngad selliste ehtekividega, millel on eriviimistlused, sest need on alati trikikad. Kartsin, et tehisvalgus moonutab helmeste ja kristallide värvi. Seda õnneks ei juhtunud. Kuid... metall on kuidagi rohkem pronks kui vask... Kuid kumb antud variantidest on siis parem?

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Siin on kasutatud Preciosa ehtekive Sahara, mis otsevaates on hallikassinised, küljelt aga kuumavad rohelised, oranzikate sähvatustega.
Here are Preciosa Sahara stones used. They are greyish blue viewing from the front, but throw bright green and even orange flashes.

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Siin on Preciosa Vitrail Medium kristallid, nende värvigamma on nagu arbuusil - rohekad ja roosad.
Here are Preciosa Vitrail Medium crystals that have a watermelon colors - green and pink.

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Need kõrvarõngad on Swarovski White Opal Star Shine kividega, mille mahedat beebisinist värvust elavdab soe kollane kuma.
This pair of earrings features Swarovski White Opal Star Shine crystals with baby blue and warm yellow shine.

When brightest time of the day is not enough for photographing, it's time for using artificial light.
Since I take part from Vintage Tallinn vol.5 I planned to make a brand new series of earrings . So I could offer something new. But I got stuck with photographing... These earrings have rhinestones, beads/pearls and seedbeads. Photos made in daylight didn't show almost any sparkle from the rhinestones. Like there wasn't any :( So today I tried the other way.

Here are some photo samples. On the left with photos made in daylight and on the right with photos made in artificial light. I chose those earrings that have rhinestones with special effects because these are always trickier to capture. I was afraid that artificial light will change the color of beads and crystals. Fortunately it didn't happen. But... metal parts look like they were bronze instead of copper... So which option here is better way to go?

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Vintage Tallinn vol.5 (26.11.2011)

Laupäeval 26.novembril on tulemas Vintage Tallinn. See on järjekorras juba viies ning kogub üha rohkem ja rohkem populaarsust. Toimumiskoht on Rotermanni Kvartal (Rotermanni 5/Roseni 10), esimesel korrusel. Sissepääs 1eur, lastele kuni 14.aastani tasuta. See üritus toob kokku erinevaid vintage ja retro asjade müüjaid üle Eesti. Leida võib riideid, mööblit, nipsasjakesi, muusikat jne... ja loomulikult ka ehteid :) Rohkem infot Vintage Tallinna lehelt ning FB lehelt.

Võibolla kohtume seal?

On the 26th of November it's time for another vintage- and retro culture day called Vintage Tallinn. It's the 5th time already and it's becoming more and more popular. Vintage Tallinn takes place in Rotermann Quarter (Rotermanni 5 / Roseni 10, next to Port of Tallinn). Entrance fee is 1 euro, children can get in free. VINTAGE TALLINN will bring together the most representable vintage businesses from all over Estonia. You will find vintage clothes, furniture, trinkets, records etc... and ofcourse jewellery :) More info from Vintage Tallinn site and FaceBook.

Maybe I'll see you there?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Deep Red

Nõel kübarale või reväärile. Uhh, see pildistamine ajab juba nutu peale! Kell 13.00 ja nii pime, et minu fotoaparaat ei saa korralike piltidega hakkama! Nendel fotodel peaks olema tumepunaste klaaskividega nõel. See tumepunane värv on tegelikult ilus, sügav... Ehtekivide vahel on hematiidivärvi lihvitud klaashelmed. Kaunistatud osa on 2,4cm läbimõõduga.
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A hat or a lapel pin. Photographing is starting to bring me tears! It's 13 o'clock and it's too dark! On the photos there should be a pin with dark red glass stones. This red in real life is beautiful, deep... With hematite colored faceted glass beads. The circle measures 2,4cm in diameter.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Vintage Rhinestones

Ostsin swarovski vintage tehasepaki ehtekividega. Ja suurepärane üllatus - see on dateeritud. Need kivid on edasimüüjani jõudnud 12. märtsil 1952. Ja ehtekivid on suurepärases seisus, täiesti klaarid ja sillerdavad!

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I bought a swarovski factory pack. And it had a nice surprise - it had a date on it. These rhinestones have reached reseller on the 12nd March in 1952. And all rhinestones are in excellent condition, crisp clear and full of spark!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Something different

Ma mäletan, et ükskord üks daam arvas, et kui ma ehteid teen, siis ega ma vaeseke ei oska kududa ega heegeldada. Mul oli isegi natuke piinlik öelda, et tegelikult ju oskan, aga ma ei naudi seda nii palju, kui ehete tegemist. Ma arvan, et ta ei uskunud mind.

Ja niimoodi ongi, et inimestel tekib ettekujutus, kes-mis sa oled ja mida sa oskad või ei oska. Samamoodi on mulle selgitatud tehnikaid, ja mainitud, et see mulle ei meeldi. Viimati oli tegu helmespõiminguga. Mulle tegelikult helmesõimingud meeldivad tohutult. Aga kuna need võtavad mul rohkem aega, kui see, mis enamjaolt siin blogis näha, siis sellepärast olen pidanud tegema valiku. Aga on ka vastupidi, mõnikord arvatakse, et ma tean kõike :)

Elena saatis mulle pildi ühtedest kõrvarõngastes ja palus mul näidata talle, kuidas neid tehakse. Sellised pisikesed väljakutsed mulle meeldivad. Tegu on peyote tehnikas kaetud helmega. Siin on minu kõrvarõngapaar (et tõestada, ma pole peyote't ära unustanud). Mõnusalt vanaroosat värvi, mis sobib antiikvasega suurepäraselt.
... ainult nüüd on mul vaja selle tegemist näidata ja pisikesest väljakutsest on saanud suur, sest nagu tuleb välja, on organiseeritud sellest näitamisest lausa õpituba. Ja ma närveerin...

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I remember that once one elderly lady had an opinion that because I make jewellery I certainly can't knit or crochet. I tried to tell her that I can actually. Only I don't enjoy these techniques as much I do jewelllery making. I don't think she believed me.

And that is how thing usually are, peaople have quite clear vision of what you are and what you can or can't do. I've also been told about some techniques and thought I don't like them just because I don't use them. For example beadweaving. I really like beadweaving, actually. But they do tend to take more time than the making the kind of jewellery I show here in my blog, so that's why I don't use beadweaving that much. But then there are other times when people think I know everything :)

Elena sent me an email with a picture of earrings and asked if I could show how this technique works. I do love thiskind of small challenges :) It was a pair of earrings that had beaded beads in peyote. So here's my pair of earrings (to prove I still kknow peyote). Vintage rose color that goes so well with antique copper.
... all I need to do is to show how it's done, but this little challenge has become a big one because Elena has arranged this into a workshop. And it makes me quite nervous...