Ma mäletan, et ükskord üks daam arvas, et kui ma ehteid teen, siis ega ma vaeseke ei oska kududa ega heegeldada. Mul oli isegi natuke piinlik öelda, et tegelikult ju oskan, aga ma ei naudi seda nii palju, kui ehete tegemist. Ma arvan, et ta ei uskunud mind.
Ja niimoodi ongi, et inimestel tekib ettekujutus, kes-mis sa oled ja mida sa oskad või ei oska. Samamoodi on mulle selgitatud tehnikaid, ja mainitud, et see mulle ei meeldi. Viimati oli tegu helmespõiminguga. Mulle tegelikult helmesõimingud meeldivad tohutult. Aga kuna need võtavad mul rohkem aega, kui see, mis enamjaolt siin blogis näha, siis sellepärast olen pidanud tegema valiku. Aga on ka vastupidi, mõnikord arvatakse, et ma tean kõike :)
Elena saatis mulle pildi ühtedest kõrvarõngastes ja palus mul näidata talle, kuidas neid tehakse. Sellised pisikesed väljakutsed mulle meeldivad. Tegu on peyote tehnikas kaetud helmega. Siin on minu kõrvarõngapaar (et tõestada, ma pole peyote't ära unustanud). Mõnusalt vanaroosat värvi, mis sobib antiikvasega suurepäraselt.
... ainult nüüd on mul vaja selle tegemist näidata ja pisikesest väljakutsest on saanud suur, sest nagu tuleb välja, on organiseeritud sellest näitamisest lausa õpituba. Ja ma närveerin...

I remember that once one elderly lady had an opinion that because I make jewellery I certainly can't knit or crochet. I tried to tell her that I can actually. Only I don't enjoy these techniques as much I do jewelllery making. I don't think she believed me.
And that is how thing usually are, peaople have quite clear vision of what you are and what you can or can't do. I've also been told about some techniques and thought I don't like them just because I don't use them. For example beadweaving. I really like beadweaving, actually. But they do tend to take more time than the making the kind of jewellery I show here in my blog, so that's why I don't use beadweaving that much. But then there are other times when people think I know everything :)
Elena sent me an email with a picture of earrings and asked if I could show how this technique works. I do love thiskind of small challenges :) It was a pair of earrings that had beaded beads in peyote. So here's my pair of earrings (to prove I still kknow peyote). Vintage rose color that goes so well with antique copper.
... all I need to do is to show how it's done, but this little challenge has become a big one because Elena has arranged this into a workshop. And it makes me quite nervous...