Sunday, February 26, 2012

...still photographing

Olen jätkanud ehete pildistamisega. Olen sobranud erinevates karbikestes ja leidnud juba unustatud ehteid. Ning tekitasingi endale veel ühe mure. Uueks probleemiks on saanud välja kisutud ehete tagasi paigutamine... Kuhu need küll panna nii, et mul oleks mingigi ülevaade?! Mul pole õrna aimugi, millised ehted on mul ununenud seisma ja millised olen saanud mõnest poest juba tagasi, ja siis veel millisest poest miski tagasi on tulnud...

Ühesõnaga selle üle tuleb mul veel mõelda. Aga siin arvestatav doos värvimängu ühe parajalt hullumeelses värvimiksis komplektiga =)

Ja mul on väike läbimurre mu ehete tegemises, kuna mul tuli täielik sein ette mõni aeg tagasi. Aga täna ma tegin ühe paari kõrvarõngaid kleepides kaks komponenti kokku :P

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I've been photographing a lot lately. I found many forgotten jewellery that I've put away in different boxes. And therefore I've created yet another problem. Now I need to put all these back somewhere... But where and how to put all the jewellery with some possibility for having any overview?! I have no idea which ones I've simply forgotten and which ones I've given to shops and got them back already, and from what shop did they came from...

Definatley something to think about. But here you can see a considerable amount of colorplay from quite crazy colormix set =)

I have some progress in jewellery making too! While I had a mental block with jewellery making some time ago. Today I made a pair of earrings with gluing two components together :P

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Feeling sad...

Nüüd on see siis käes. Mul on täielik blokk ehetega. Huvitav. Osa minust tahab ehteid teha, teine osa aga absoluutselt mitte. Lausa vastumeelne. Tühistasin kõik ehtetellimused. Tänan neid, kes olid mõistvad.

Praegu teen ehete asemel neist pilte. Mul on hulgaliselt pooleli olevaid asju. Näiteks kollektsioon, mille alustasin eelmise aasta novembris. See tuleb neljas eksemplaris. Plaanisin, et sellest saab kevad-suvi 2012, ent ei tea, kas jõuan enne kevadet valmis. Teema on midagi idamaist ja värvideks klassikaline punane koos valge pärli ning sellise rohelise tooniga, mis meenutab poolvääriskive nagu jadeiit, nefriit ning krüsopraas.


Now that's that. I've got a mental block when it comes to making jewellery. Interesting. Part of me wants to craft and part of me absolutely doesn't. It's even reluctant. I cancelled all custom orders. Thank you who understood.

Right now I take photos. I've got many unfinished jewellery. For excample this collection that I started in November last year. Everything will be in four copies. I planned it to be for spring-summer 2012 but I doubt I'll make it in time. Theme is something oriental with strong classical colors of siam red, white pearl and green that resembles semiprecious stones like jade, chrysoprase and nefrite.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Earring & Bracelet Set

Ma avastasin, et olen viimasel ajal unarusse jätnud käekettide valmistamise! Kõrvarõngaid muudkui tuleb, ja natuke ka kaelakeesid, aga käekette ei ole teinud juba tükk aega! Nii tegingi ühe, päris lihtsa.

Pruunikirju siidisest klaasist ovaalsed helmed on Tšehhis valmistatud ning neile on peale pressitud lillekujuline muster. Oliivrohelised on aga käsitsi keeratud, mitte just perfektsed, aga eriti põnevas viimistluse koosluses - hõbefoolium ning matt pind! See paneb need helmed salapäraselt kumama! Lisaks kasutasin ka Tšehhi seemehelmeid ning Swarovski kristalle Green Tourmaline.
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I recently realized that I haven't made any bracelets for a long time! Right now it's more easy to make earrings, even some necklaces, but no bracelets whatsoever! So I made one, and quite simple one.

Oval shaped beads with silky glass in brown colors were made in Czech, they have flowery pattern pressed on the surface. Olive green beads are handmade and not so uniform in shape/size and quality, but they have most fascinating combination of finishes - silver foil and frosted surface! These make the beads glow inside! I also used Czech seedbeads and Swarovski Green Tourmaline crystal rhinestones.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Earrings

Uued kõrvarõngad. Ilusate siniste siiruviiruliste helmestega, millel lillemotiiv pressitud ning väikeste sädelevate ehtekivide ja tillukeste seemnehelmestega...
New earrings. With beautiful swrily blue glass beads that have flowery texture, small sparkling rhinestones and tiny seedbeads...