Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Panin alguse salaprojektile :) Eesmärk valmistada ehe, mis paneks mu oskused proovile ning ma luban, et ei koonerda ei materjali ega töötundide arvelt.


I started a secret project :) Task is to make a piece of jewelry that will challenge my skills and I promise not to hold back on materials or working hours.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Something else...

Sain nüüd teada, et suudan kinnitada ka väiksemaid kive kui 20pp (2,6-2,7mm). Nendel kõrvarõngastel on kivid suurusega 12pp (1,8-1,9mm) ning need on kinnitatud kolme "naksuga". Iseenesest väga lihtsad kõrvarõngad, kas pole? Need toorikud on armsad, aga nii kallid (minu arvates). Ja praaki oli ka pakis masendavalt. Toorikute alla riputasin juba tuttavad klaashelmed.

Ehted lähevad mul järjest lihtsamaks - et vähem aega ja võhma kulub... Tihtilugu ei suuda hakatagi ehteid tegema ja siis kompenseerin seda uute materjalide ostmisega :) Mitte nüüd, et ma kunagi varem olen liiga vähe kulutanud uutele materjalidele...
Olen neid lihtsaid ehteid ja kordusehteid teinud juba liiga kaua. Tahaks teha midagi uut, midagi suurt. Midagi, mille puhul ei hoiaks ennast tagasi ning mis oleks selline enese proovilepanek. Et ei loe materjale ega töötunde, vaid teeks midagi nö üle võlli. Pole hullu, kui see pole kantav ega taskukohane.


I found out that I'm able to put smaller stones than 20pp ( 2,6-2,7mm) into prong setttings. These earrings have 12pp (1,8-1,9mm) size rhinestones and there are three prongs holding them. These are quite simple earrings aren't they? These findings are cute, and also expensive (in my opinion). And way too much broken ones in the bag. I attached findings to my new beads you recognize from the previous post.

My jewelry has been rahter simple lately - taking less time and attention... Sometimes I can't even start with the piece and compensate it with buying more materials :) Not that I've ever been buying to little...
I've done these simple earrings and remake some others for way too long. I want to do something else, something big. Something that I wouldn't need to hold myself back from and that would be like a test. So I would not worry about how much the materials cost or how many working hours I put in it - but would be something like over the top. No matter if it's not wearable or affordable...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Violet earrings

Siin on üks pisut pime pilt uutest kõrvarõngastest. Tšehhi klaaspärlid, Swarovski Violet väikesed kivid ning Lääne Saksamaal toodetud poolläbipaistvad lillad tilgad.

Here's a bit dark photo of my new earrings. Czech glass pearls, Swarovski Violet chatons and Western Germany purple opal pearshaped stones.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

So many colors...

Ma ei suutnud valida erinevate värvide vahel :) No kuidas sa valid onju? Kui värvid on n-i-i ilusad!

Poolläbipaistvad klaashelmed poolläbipaistvate ehtekividega (enamus vintage Swarovski toodang). Sinine paar üleval Etsy's.

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I couldn't choose on color :) How could I, right? When colors are so beautiful!

Opal glass beads with opal rhinestones (mostly vintage Swarovski). Blue pair is on Esty.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

It's official!!!

Nüüd on kindel - mu kõrvarõngad "Wings of the Butterfly" sai Blooming Beautiful konkursil poolfinaali! Ehk siis parima 20 hulka! Viisin täna kõrvarõngad postkontorisse, kust edasi reisivad need Londonisse ning osalevad Treasure näitusel London Jewellery Week 2012 raames 11-17 juunil. Pärast seda lähevad need žürii terase pilgu alla ning kolm parimat valitakse välja 20.juunil.

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Now it's official - my earring design "Wings of the Butterfly" got into semifinal at the design contest Blooming Beautiful 2012! It's one of the best 20 designs! I took the earrings into Post Office today to start their journey to London where they will be displayed at Treasure during London Jewellery Week from 11 – 17 June. After that the earrings will be studied by jury panel at the end of June and the finalists will be announced on 20 June 2012!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Old Swarovski Lavendel

See aasta on olnud väga kehv mul prosside koha pealt. Et mitte päris nulli jääda (ikkagi viies kuu juba), otsustasin teha alustuseks midagi lihtsat. Siin kahel viimasel pildil on tundmatu päritoluga pakk lehekestega. Kui peaksin pakkuma, siis arvaksin, et järsku Saksamaa toodang. Lehekesed on nn moonstone klaasist ja helesinised ent pisut räsitud ja määrdunud olemisega.

Pärast natukest puhastamist lisasin juurde mõned klaaspärlid, lillekese ning Swarovski ehtekive. Swarovski vana Lavendel värv on teinud mind uudishimulikuks, kuna seda polnud kusagilt saada ning otsides infot oli tihti värvi kirjelduseks kasutatud sõna "lahja" ning et see on pigem sinine kui lilla. Mõtlen siin just vana värvi, mitte uut Provence Lavendel värvi. Võttis aega, enne kui selle värvi kive leidsin ning jah, õnnel oli siin oma roll :) Siin prossis on piklik Light Sapphire, tilgakujuline Comet Argent (panin tagurpidi, sest see oli võimalik fooliumkihi puudumise tõttu :) - peegelduse loob hoopis pealmine viimistlus) ning navette Lavendel. Nii et see värv ikka oligi nii - lahja ning rohkem sinine kui lilla...

Hetkel on see pross üleval Etsy's.

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Photobucket Photobucket

This year hasn't been good for making brooches. So to get started (it's fifth month already) I decided to do something very simple. Here on last two photos you can see a package of leaf shape glass with unknown origin. If I must quess then I probably think it's made in Germany. Leaves are from Moonstone glass in light blue and tired and old looking.

After some cleaning I added glass pearls and flower bead with Swarovski rhinestones. The old Swarovski color Lavendel made me curious because I couldn't find a photo and descriptions usually had word "pale" in it and that it was more blue than violet. I'm thinking the old color here not the new one - Provence Lavendel. It took some time to track it down and yes, luck got a lot to do with that :) In this brooch I used rectangle Light Sapphire, pearshaped Comet Argent (I placed it upside-down because I was able to - it had no foiling :) - so upper finish creates the reflection through the crystal) and Lavendel navette. So it is true - kind of pale and more blue than violet...

This brooch is on Etsy.