Nagu Maarit oma blogis mainis, on sellele värvile (teal) eestikeelset nimetust raske leida. Olen neid helmeid himustanud rohkem kui pool aastat (olen kannatlik). Kaunis kuma, mis tekib helmes hõbe fooliumi ning mati klaasi pinnaga on mind varemgi meelitanud. Plaan oli see värv kokku sobitada fuksia roosaga (ma plaanisin olla julge). Aga juhtus nii, nagu tihtipeale juhtub. Ma mõtlesin ümber. Nimelt saabusid need sinakad helmed saatuslikult samal päeval, mil ühed Jaapanis käsitsi tehtud vintage helmed. Sobivust ei saanud eirata.
Ma veel ei ütle, mis ma kokku panin. Varsti näitan piltides. Nii palju võin öelda, et ma poleks vist eales neid värve koos kasutanud, kui see oleks minu valik olnud.
As Maarit wrote on her blog, it is difficult to find a perfect word for "teal" in Estonian. I've wanted to have these beads for a long time, more than 6 months (what can I say, I'm patient). The mysterious glow that is created by silver foil and frosted surface finish has charmed me before. I had the idea to combine these with fuchsia colored beads (I was planning to be bold). But, as it has happened before, things changed. I changed my mind. The teal colored beads arrived the same day as the vintage Japan handmade beads. I couldn't ignore the way the colors collaborated.
I'm not going to tell you yet what was the color of the vintage beads. Soon I'll show it photos. Only thing I can add is that I'm pretty sure I would have never thought to use this color combination on my own.