Sunday, March 13, 2016

Vintage and Antique Hollow Glass Beads

Looking through my bead collection I picked out some of the antique and vintage hollow glass beads. Light and fragile, like their not from this world! I'm planning to write a post about them in my "Discovering glass" section. Having some antique sample cards and looking through the web for old photos and museum items I find hollow glass beads absolutely fascinating! Here are some examples.
antique glass beads, embroidery, restoration, restoring antique garments
There are various types of hollow glass beads! In the center
you see hollow glass pearls in different shapes. These
are dyed with pearl color from inside.
Here you see dyed hollow glass beads that imitates coral.
Dyed from inside the dye has peeled from the glass.
Metallic "mercury beads" have tiny facets from the mold.
Metallic beads have gorgeous satin look
because of the frosted finish.
Vaatasin oma helmekogu  ja noppisin sealt mõned vintage ja antiiksed õõnsad klaashelmed. Väga kerged ja õrnad, nagu need polekski siit ilmast pärit! Ma plaanin kirjutada neist ühe tutvustava postituse "Discovering glass" rubriiki. Mul on mõned näidiskaardid ning leides veebis ringi vaadates vanu fotosid ja muuseumite eksponaate, võib öelda, et see on üks põnev maailm! Ülalpool tõin  mõned näited õõnsatest klaashelmestest.