Beautiful find from one of my treasure hunts - vintage Swarovski rhinestone Romance en Gris - was truly inspiring. So I looked around my bead collection and found some pretty ones that matches perfectly!
Vintage (or even antique) hollow glass beads with silver lining have similar steel-like cold beauty as the rhinestones. The round steel-grey hollow beads are dyed and will get lighter and lighter in time as it wears off. Long-shaped beads have mesmerizing pattern - it's a fine art!
These hollow glass beads have silver lining and dark grey dye on the surface. The dye will wear off in time, revealing shiny silver. |
Gorgeous long flat hollow glass beads with mesmerizing pattern. It looks like these are made of textile :) |
And here are four Swarovski rhinestones in this beautiful and rare color called Romance en Gris. |
Imeilus leid ühelt mu aardejahilt - vintage Swarovski ehtekivid Romance en Gris värvi - osutus väga inspireerivaks. Nii ma vaatasin ringi oma helmeste kogus ning leidsin mõned, mis sobivad kividega ideaalselt!
Vintage (või isegi antiiksed) seest hõbetatud õõnsad klaashelmed on sarnase teras-külma iluga nagu Swarovski ehtekivid. Terashallid ümmargused helmed on pealt värvitud ning hakkavad kuludes üha heledamaks ja heledamaks muutuma. Piklikel helmestel on kaunis muster. See on saavutatud läbipaistvate klaasvarraste kombineerimisel mustrina ning seda omakorda venitades ja vinti keerates. Tegemist on peene kunstiga!