Look at these colorful vintage pearls that I got from France! This is a great find from one of my treasure hunts! Finding large handmade pearls is pretty rare and a matching set of different size beads makes me feel even more lucky! What I find fascinating about these is that the beads were made from colorful glass (blue, red, green, pink) and then covered with pearl coating. So the glass color is shining through the pearl coating turning it into blue pearl, red pearl etc. The oval and pinched shaped pearls were handmade - their shape and size vary a bit.
I got these from the same vendor as the Louis Rousselet pearls and components. So it's possible that these pearls were also made in his workshops. And further more, some of the oval pearls have one end of the hole sealed with pearl coating meaning that the pearls were dipped one by one into pearl solution and were dried separately. Perhaps like the high quality pearls by Simon & Simon.
The colorful glass is best visible near the holes of the pearls. |
Vintage French pearls made from colorful glass in two shapes. |
Here are the glass pearls with red glass core with small pressed oval pearls. The small oval pearls I got from another French vendor couple years back. These match perfectly! |
Light going through the glass brings out the intense red color. It also seems that the pearl coating is uneven. |
These vintage French pearls are so colorful as candy! |
Vaadake neid ilusaid vintage klaaspärleid Prantsusmaalt! Mis nende pärlite puhul on eriti põnev, et need on valmistatud värvilisest klaasist (sinine, punane, roheline, roosa) ning kaetud pärlmutrise kihiga. Nii et klaasi värv annab pärlile värvi kumades läbi pärlmutrise kihi! Ovaalsed ja lopergused pärlid on käsitsi tehtud. Nende kuju ja suurus varieeruvad.
Sain need samalt edasimüüjalt kellelt ka Louis Rousselet pärlid ja komponendid. Võib eeldada, et ka need käsitsivalmistatud pärlid on Rousselet töötubadest pärit. Ja mis veel, osadel ovaalsete pärlitel on läbiv auk ühelt poolt kaetud pärlmutrise värviga. See tähendab, et need olid ükshaaval traadi otsas kastetud pärlmutrisesse värvi ning seal ka kuivanud. Võibolla nagu tänapäeval tehakse kõrg-kvaliteetseid pärleid prantsuse firmas Simon & Simon.