Thursday, November 26, 2009

Shopping for Jewelry Competition

Ma tahan teha ühe töö ehtekonkursile ning ostsin selle tarvis mõningaid swarovski ehtekive. Nüüd tagantjärele vaadates paistab, et mul on nõrkus poolläbipaistvate värvide suhtes :)

Tegelikult nägin suurt vaeva, et leida kivi värvusega white opal star shine, mida olin kasutanud ükskord ühes prossis. Tuleb välja, et seda värvi pole sugugi lihtne saada. Meenus, et tol korral sain prossi tarvis selle kivi LaGeode poest, kust lõpuks õnnestuski see hankida (järgi oligi seal ainult üks). Lisaks suurele 12mm kivile oli seal ka 8mm ja 10x5mm kive selles värvis. Nüüd on need seal otsas ;)

Tahtsin ka teada anda, et LaGeode pood pannakse kinni ning sellega seoses on seal tohutud allahindlused. Minge kindlasti vaatama!
Photobucket Photobucket
1. Keskel nelinurkne 12mm White opal star shine (art 4470)
2. Vasakul üleval on tilgakujuline 14x10mm Light grey opal (art 4320), selle kõrval 4mm bicone helmed Sand Opal (art 5301), tilgakujuline kristallpärl 11x8mm Cream (art 5821)

Photobucket Photobucket
3. Tilgakujulised 14x10mm Pacific opal ja Palace green opal (art 4320), 3mm kristallpärlid Cream rose pearl (art 5810), navette 15x7mm Crystal (art 4231), 4mm bicone helmed White opal star shine (art 5301)
4. Tilgakujuline 14x10mm Caribbean blue opal (art 4320), 8mm ümmargused White opal star shine (art 1028) ja 8mm kristallpärlid Creamrose light pearl (art 5810)

I want to submit a jewelry piece to a jewelry competition and did some shopping for that. Now looking at the stones it seems that I have a thing about the opal colors :)

Actually I had difficulties when trying to track down a special color White opal star shine. I have used it once before in a brooch. Finally succeeded in remembering where I got the first stone, I found the last one in LaGeode shop. Addition to that 12mm stone there was also that color in shapes of round 8mm and navette 10x5mm. I bought them all :)

I also wanted to tell you that after 4 years of business LaGeode is closing and therefore you can find big sales there. Go and check it out!