Pärast seda, kui tegime Lucy'ga kõrvarõngaste vahetust ja ma sain endale roosidega kõrvarõngad, tekis mul soov selliste rooside järele. Kuigi oli vähem kui tõenäoline, et ma kunagi fimoga meisterdama hakkan, hellitasin siiski lootust, et kunagi tuleb isu peale :) Soovist rooside järele lobisesin välja siis, kui kunagi aitasin Terjet tema näitusega. Ja kujutate ette, et ma sain nüüd temalt kingituse!!! :) Ma sain temalt karbitäie roose! Nunnud, pisikesed ja roosad roosid! Terje on kullatükk!!!
Võttis aega, ennem kui kogusin julgust nendega midagi ette võtta. Tulemus pidi olema midagi magusat ja romantilist ;) Eile valmis komplekt roosade swarovskite ja erinevate klaashelmestega. Need roosat värvi klaashelmed on värvitud, st et nad on läbipaistvast klaasist ja kaetud roosat värvi kihiga. Olen ennemgi sellist tüüpi helmeid kasutanud, kuid siis oli neil juba selline kulunud välimus olemas. Need roosad siin on aga vist liiga uued ja selliseks kulunuks muutuvad nad kandmise käigus. Huvitav, kuidas neid helmeid juba ette kulutada? Aga need kollased on jubearmsad helmed, need on tegelikult siiruviirulised :D Need ei kulu.

After I made a swap with Lucy and got myself a gorgeous pair of earrings with pink roses, I had a wish to have thiskind of roses to use in my jewellery. Although it was more than unlikely for me to work with Fimo I still kept hoping it will catch on to me :) I talked about my hopes when I helped Terje with her exhibition, it was some time ago. And could you believe it, I now received a gift from her!!! :) A box with tiny roses in it! Cute little pink roses! Isn't she adorable!
It took time for me to gather some courage to work with these roses. The outcome had to be something sweet and romantic ;) Yesterday I managed to complete a set with pink swarovski rhinestones and different glass beads. Those pink beads are dyed, it means that these are made from crystal clear glass and covered with pink dye. I've used this type of beads before but then they already had the worn look. These pink ones here must be too new and they should have the look in time. I wonder if there is a possibility to give them the worn effect before putting them into jewellery? But those yellow beads ar super cute, these are actually swirly :D That color doesn't fade or wear off.
Võttis aega, ennem kui kogusin julgust nendega midagi ette võtta. Tulemus pidi olema midagi magusat ja romantilist ;) Eile valmis komplekt roosade swarovskite ja erinevate klaashelmestega. Need roosat värvi klaashelmed on värvitud, st et nad on läbipaistvast klaasist ja kaetud roosat värvi kihiga. Olen ennemgi sellist tüüpi helmeid kasutanud, kuid siis oli neil juba selline kulunud välimus olemas. Need roosad siin on aga vist liiga uued ja selliseks kulunuks muutuvad nad kandmise käigus. Huvitav, kuidas neid helmeid juba ette kulutada? Aga need kollased on jubearmsad helmed, need on tegelikult siiruviirulised :D Need ei kulu.
After I made a swap with Lucy and got myself a gorgeous pair of earrings with pink roses, I had a wish to have thiskind of roses to use in my jewellery. Although it was more than unlikely for me to work with Fimo I still kept hoping it will catch on to me :) I talked about my hopes when I helped Terje with her exhibition, it was some time ago. And could you believe it, I now received a gift from her!!! :) A box with tiny roses in it! Cute little pink roses! Isn't she adorable!
It took time for me to gather some courage to work with these roses. The outcome had to be something sweet and romantic ;) Yesterday I managed to complete a set with pink swarovski rhinestones and different glass beads. Those pink beads are dyed, it means that these are made from crystal clear glass and covered with pink dye. I've used this type of beads before but then they already had the worn look. These pink ones here must be too new and they should have the look in time. I wonder if there is a possibility to give them the worn effect before putting them into jewellery? But those yellow beads ar super cute, these are actually swirly :D That color doesn't fade or wear off.