Sunday, April 4, 2010

These are Fun!

Siin on näha kõik kaelakeed, mida tegin poolvääriskividest ja peenikeste palliga ehtenõeltega. Neid valmistada oli puhas rõõm!
Nad on kõik omamoodi armsad, ent see labradoriit koos korallidega on vist lemmikum :) Nii suurt helmest ja nii tugeva sinise käikega pole mul veel olnud. Selle suurus on 18x13mm, tervest komplektist üks keskmise suurusega (st mul on nii suuremaid kui ka väiksemaid veel). Tegin kiire foto ka kõrvarõngastest, ent sinna jäid peale ka mustade klaashelmestega kõrvarõngad, neile kaelakeesid ei ole, veel.
Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket

Here are all necklaces that I made using semiprecious beads and thin ball head pins. These were really fun to make!
I like them all but especially that labradorite with corals :) I've never had so big labradorite beads with such a perfect blue flash. It measures 18x13mm, and from the whole lot I have it's in the average size (it means I have bigger and smaller ones too). I made a quick shot from the earrings too, but there are also some earrings with glass beads that doesn't have a matching necklace, yet.

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