Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Uus komplekt. Olen siin blogis varem hädaldanud, et swarovski värv Navy Blue ei sobi kohe mitte siniste helmestega kokku... et pole seda õiget tooni. Ning kuna seda värvi swarovski enam ei tooda, siis ei saa ka õigeid helmeid ropu raha eestki mitte.

Aga vot, hiljutise seemnehelmeste tellimusega saabusid ka läbipaistmatud sinised, mis on nii-nii sarnased. Värvikoodiks on 33060 ja tšehhid nimetavad seda Royal Blue. Kuigi need suured helmed ei paista sugugi seemnehelmeste moodi, on need seda siiski. On päris suure auguga nii, et pidin väikeste seemnehelmestega neid täitma, noh et ei loksuks. Kristallidega ehtenõelad on uhiuued, värskelt saabunud Singapurist :)

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New set. I've complained before here in this blog that sw Navy Blue doesn't go well with glass beads... And there's zillions of different blues out there. And sinze this color is out of Swarovski's production I can't get any beads even if I had loads of money.

But still. With my latest seedbead order I also received opaque blue beads that look so similar! The color code is 33060 and czech call it Royal Blue. Those big beads are also seedbeads although they don't look so. They have huge holes so I had to fill them with smaller seedbeads to keep them centered. Rhinestone headpins are brand new just arrived from Singapur :)


Mags said...

Katrin, thank you for this piece of information :-D I just have to order that colour of seed beads.

The set is once again gorgeous!

Sorry, that I'm so lazy commenting, I pop here every now and then :-)

Katrin mdmB said...

Hi, Mags and thanks for popping by :)