Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fimo beads

Mirjam/Hilisaed saatis mulle omatehtud imeilusaid fimo helmeid. Tükk aega veeretasin neid näpu vahel, no neid võibki imetlema jääda! Olen tihtilugu leidnud, et polümeersavist helmeid on minul raske kasutada. Nendesse on nii palju vaeva ja aega pandud, nad peaksid olema ehtes esikohal! See aga tähendaks, et pole vaja mõttetuid ninnu-nännu pisidetaile, mida ma aga ei suuda eriti vältida... Nii et mul oli mõte teha midagi lihtsat. Need fimohelmed on valge-beežika taustaga ning erinevad värvid jooksevad sädelevatena sealt läbi - ma ütlen, et mind lausa hüpnotiseeris see ilu. Aga detaile sai vist ikka liiga palju...
See komplekt on müüdud.

Mirjam/Hilisaed sent me some of her fimo beads. I must say, you can stop looking at those colors! I often found difficult to use somebodys polymer beads. There's so much time and effort put in them, they should be on first place in every piece of jewellery! This means that there should'nt be any unnecessary tiny pretty details, that I find hard to avoid while making my jewellery... So I set my goal to make something simple. Those fimo beads are with white-beige background while different colors swirl through - I'm telling you these beads hypnotize. Still too much details perhaps...
This set is sold.