Saturday, June 6, 2009

Crystal Clear

Läbipaistev kristall/klaas sobib iga värvi riietuse juurde. Samuti naturaalvalged pärlid, antud ehtekomplekti puhul klaaspärlid. Lõpuks õnnestus Ebay oskjonilt saada pakk swarovski 29PP (3,6-3,7mm) crystal ümmargusi ehtekive. Need pole küll vanast ajast, kuid see eest artikkel 1012 - see tähendab rohkem lihvitud tahke ja sätendust!
Kaelakee ripatsi katsin klaashelmeste ja -pärlitega, lisasin ühe lille swarovskiga. Tohutu lihvitud klaashelmes seal all sai käsitsitehtud pärlikübara. Tegin selle nendestsamadest swarovskitest ja metallhelmestest. Käekett on raske, paksult helmestega kaunistatud. Käekett oligi tegelikult see esimene, millele kaelakee ja kõrvarõngad juurde tegin. Müüdud.

Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket

Transparent crystal/glass goes with every color outfit. And the same thing is with natural white pearls, glass pearls in this case. I finally managed to win a package of swarovski 29PP (3,6-3,7mm) crystal round rhinestones from an auction on Ebay. These stones are not vintage, but they are article 1012 - which means more facets and more sparkle!
I covered the pendant with glass beads and pearls and added a flower with that little swarovski. That huge faceted glass bead at the bottom of the pendant got itself a handmade beadcap. I made it again from these same swarovskies and metal beads. The bracelet is heavy, loaded with beads. In fact, the bracelet was the first I started with and then made matching necklace and earrings. Sold.