Ma ei ole kuhugile kadunud. Et millega tegelen? Ikka unistamisega :) Oh, kui kaugele lähevad mõnikord mõtted... Pole saanud vasksete komponentide tagavara uuendada ja seetõttu olen päris nõutu, tuleb idee, kuid teostada ei saa.
Näiteks tuli üks idee kuldse prossi jaoks, kuna polnud õige suurusega kivi "pesa", vaatasin igaks juhuks vasksed üle. Vaskset oli, kuid vasksed prossinõelad on otsas. Siis mõtlesin, et teen prossist pool ja muudan selle kaelakee ripatsiks. Niih, tegingi, kuid kaelakeed valmis ei saanud, kuna pole pikendusketti. Aga midagi hakkas arenema. Tegin juurde kõrvarõngaid, poolikuid käekette ja veel poolikuid kaelakeesi. Oleks nagu väike kollektsioon lausa... aga poolik :) Ei meeldi poolikuid asju esitleda, aga väikese vihje panen siia ikka. Kui kunagi saan vajalikud asjad tellitud, ja saan need kätte, ehted valmis tehtud ja pildistatud, panen kohe siia üles. Aga seniks, pidage vastu, ja hoidke oma tervist :)
So what I've been doing lately? I've been dreaming :) It's amazing how far can your thoughts take you... I still haven't been able to restock my copper plated findings and it leaves me in a sad situation where I have ideas but cannot complete them.
For example I had an idea about a golden brooch, but since I didn't have (again) a certain gold color setting I checked it from my copperplated findings. I had that setting in copper, but I didn't have copperplated brooch pin. So I thought I'll make a half of the brooch and make it a pendant or a centerpiece for a necklace. But I couldn't finish the necklace because I didn't have extending chain for clasp. But ideas kept coming. I made some earrings, some half ready bracelets and more half ready necklaces. It could be a small collection you know... but its half done :) I don't like to present things when they are not ready, but I'll give you a little hint. When I can order missing findings, and receive those, I'll finish the jewelry and photograph them and then I'll make a new post. But meanwhile hang in there and keep your health :)