Saturday, October 17, 2009

Golden Set

Sinine kaelakee on valminud varem, selle juurde telliti kõrvarõngapaar, mida näete pildilt. Kasutasin samu givré klaasist ehtekive, samu klaaspärleid ja sama värvi klaashelmeid.

Kuna osad vasksed detailid on otsas ja praegu säästurežiimi tõttu uut komponentide tellimust teha ei saa, siis olin "sunnitud" kasutama selles õrnroosas komplektis kuldseid metallosi. Komplektis on käekett, pross ja kõrvarõngad. Vanadel ehetel olen tihtilugu näinud seemnehelmestega või tibatillukeste klaaspärlitega kaetud metall-plaate. Küll ma murdsin pead, mismoodi neid tollal tehti... Ükskõik kuidas ma ka ei proovinud, ikka jäid helmeread hoidma kõveralt ja hakkasid nihkuma. Kuni ükskord plahvatas! Oluline on töö järjekord ja väga tugev pinge (näpud olid pikka aega traadist triibulised :)). Eks harjutada annab veel ja veel, kuid olen esimese katsetuse puhul tulemusega rahul. Kasutasin õrnroosasid Tšehhi klaaspärleid (3mm, 4mm, 6mm), Miyuki 15/0 (~1mm) beežikaid seemnehelmeid (Jaapan) ja swarovski kristallist ehtekive (Austria).

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That blue necklace is from one of my previous post, I had an order for matching earrings. I used the same vintage givré glass rhinestones, same glass pearls and same color glass beads.

I've run out of some copper-colored findings and I can't make another supply-shopping in order to keep my costs down. So I was "forced" to use golden metal components this time. This is a set of bracelet, brooch and a pair of earrings. I've noticed that many vintage costume jewelery pieces have metal plates covered with seedbeads or tiny glass pearls. I've spent so much time on figuring out how these were made in the old days... No matter how I tried it never came close in result and the beaded rows kept sliding. Until one day it came to me! It was all about the order of beading-stringing and the tension (my fingers had stripes from the wire for a long time :)). Ofcourse I need to practice more and more but I'm quite happy with the results of my first attempt. I used light pink glass pearls (Czech), Miyuki 15/0 beige seedbeads (Japan) and swarovski crystal rhinestones (Austria).