Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sweet Cherry

Mõned värvid kipuvad korduma. Nagu näiteks selline punane. Selle komplekti valmistamie oli lahe ja mõnus, nagu kohtumine vana tuttavaga. Kaelakee keskosas olev kaunistatud plaadike on ainult 2,4cm läbimõõduga, ent on väiksusest hoolimata pilgupüüdja. Kõrvarõngastes on tillukesi seemnehelmeid ning metallist lehekesi, mis kandes rõõmsalt värelevad iga liigutusega.

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Some colors keep coming back. Colors like this red. Making this set was easy and enjoyable as meeting an old friend. The centerpiece of this necklace measures only 2,4cm in diameter but is a sure eyecatcher. Earrings have tiny seedbeads and metal leaves that move delightedly when worn.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Yellow Bracelet


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Monday, April 5, 2010

Yellow vs Blue

Tahtsin tegelikult näidata hoopis uut kollast käeketti, ent pildid ei tulnud üldse välja :( Nii et näitan mõni teine kord. Mul tekkis kinnisidee seoses kollasega, kui tahtsin märtsi kuu jaoks kollaste ehete pilte kokku koguda. Kuid ma ei leidnud neid eriti. Aga miks ma siis kollaseid ehetid ei tee? Nii tegingi täna ühe kollase... Eks see ole ikka nii, et kui miskit plaanid, siis läheb kõik teistmoodi.

Aga selle sinise käeketi tegin pärast kollast ja pole tal viga midagi. See osa, kus on lilled, helmed ja ehtekivid oli mul valmis juba ammu-ammu. Ma plaanisin tookord teha sellest prossi. Ei mäletagi, miks see prossitegemine lõpule ei jõudnud. Vbl sellepärast, et see pidi koha leidma siin käeketis?
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I wanted to show you a new yellow bracelet, but the photos didn't come out at all :( So I'll show it another time. I got obsessed with yellow because when I tried to put together a gallery for Color of the Month for March - I could't find much yellow jewelry at all. Why I don't make any yellow jewlery? So I made that yellow bracelet... Oh, well, things don't turn out how they were planned.

But I made this blue bracelet after the yellow one and it turned out alright. The part with all the flowers, beads and rhinestones was made a long time ago. I planned to use it in a brooch. Don't remember what was the reason why I didn't finish it. Probably because I needed to use it in this bracelet, right?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Back from France!

Jee, kaelakee jõudis Prantsusmaalt kohale! Teate ma täitsa igatsesin selle järgi ja tahtsin teha sarnast prossi (isegi ehtekivid panin juba metallraamidesse), ent ei suutnud ilma kaelakeeta seda alustadagi. Koos kaelakeega tuli kiri ning kingitus - tohutu suur kristallist ripats nööril! Vaata pilte!
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Yay, my necklace returned from France! You know, I really missed it and wanted to make a matching brooch (I even put the rhinestones in settings) but couldn't start without the necklace. I also received a letter and a present - a huge crystal pendant! See photos!

These are Fun!

Siin on näha kõik kaelakeed, mida tegin poolvääriskividest ja peenikeste palliga ehtenõeltega. Neid valmistada oli puhas rõõm!
Nad on kõik omamoodi armsad, ent see labradoriit koos korallidega on vist lemmikum :) Nii suurt helmest ja nii tugeva sinise käikega pole mul veel olnud. Selle suurus on 18x13mm, tervest komplektist üks keskmise suurusega (st mul on nii suuremaid kui ka väiksemaid veel). Tegin kiire foto ka kõrvarõngastest, ent sinna jäid peale ka mustade klaashelmestega kõrvarõngad, neile kaelakeesid ei ole, veel.
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Here are all necklaces that I made using semiprecious beads and thin ball head pins. These were really fun to make!
I like them all but especially that labradorite with corals :) I've never had so big labradorite beads with such a perfect blue flash. It measures 18x13mm, and from the whole lot I have it's in the average size (it means I have bigger and smaller ones too). I made a quick shot from the earrings too, but there are also some earrings with glass beads that doesn't have a matching necklace, yet.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Color of the Month: Gold&Yellow for March

Märtsi värviks kuldne ning kollane. Eks ikka kevadpäikese pärast ;)
Et näha kõiki kuu värve, vajuta siia (ja ära unusta vaadata teisi lehekülgi, sest postitusi on palju).
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Color for March is gold and yellow. Because of the spring sun ofcourse. To see all COTM so far clock here (and don't forget to look previous pages because there are a lot of posts.