Sunday, May 30, 2010



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Thursday, May 27, 2010


Üks valge komplekt. Kaelakees on nii kuukiviklaasi, givre-klaasi, suhkrukive jpm. Kaelakee keskosa koosneb kolmest plaadikesest, mis kaunistatud helmeste ning ehtekividega.
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A white set. There are many different types of rhinestones in this necklace - moonstone glass, givre glass, sugar stone and many more. The centerpiece is made of three metal plates that are adorned with many beads and rhinestones.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Juukselõksud lillekestega. Lillekeste keskel on vanaaegsed ehtekivid ning seda ümbritsevad Jaapani Miyuki seemnehelmed.
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Hair clips with flowers. In the middle of the flower there's a vintage rhinestone that is surrounded with Miyuki seedbeads.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Blue Circle Brooch

Aeg lendab pöörasel kombel. Teen ruttu selle postituse, muidu ei tea, millal jälle mahti saab.

Selle prossi tegin Tšehhoslovakkia piklikest klaaskividest ning tillukestest swarovski blue opal kristallidest. Pisut tumedamad sileda pinnaga poolläbipaistvad klaaskivid on valmistatud okupeeritud Saksamaa US-tsoonis (1945-1949). Ehk siis on need ühed vanimad originaalpakendis kivid, mis mu kivikeste kollektsioonis on.

Vaadake seda metallplaati, mille panin prossi taha. Oi kuidas ma ootasin seda tellimust, pildil olid need ju väga ilusad. Ja need on ka päris elus väga ilusad. Õnnetuseks on neile väga keeruline traadiga prossinõela kinnitada, nii tuli kasutada liimi. Liim on tegelikult väga tugev, ent sellega jändamine üks paras peavalu (tuleb segada kokku kahest komponendist ja kuivab päris kiirelt).
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Time goes by so quickly. I'll make this quick post, never know when I get another chance.

I made this brooch with Czechoslovakia blue navettes and vintage swarovski "blue opal" chatons. These darker blue glass stones with smooth surface were made in occupied Germany US-zone (1945-1949). So these are one of the oldest stones in my collection that I have in original package.

Look at the stamped filigree plate. How I waited these to arrive, they looked so pretty in picture. And they sure are pretty. Unfortunately it's too difficult to attach a pin needle with wire to them so I had to use glue. The glue is really strong but a real head ache to use (at least for me), I have to make a mix of two components and it hardens so quickly.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Color Splash

Väike värvi annus pilvisesse päeva. Need päikesekollased kõrvarõngad olid üks nüri töö. Olen näinud, et sarnaselt on valmistatud päris mitmeid 1920-40ndate prossid. Ja nii tahtsin midagi taolist ära proovida. Muidugi kahetsesin, et valisin kõrvarõngad, neid ju peab kaks tükki tegema!!!

Olen ka muid ehteid vahepeal teinud ning neid näeb koos vanematega mu uhiuuest Disainimaja poekeses. Ma ei hakka neid ehteid enam blogisse eraldi panema nii, et külastage kindlasti, sest seal on rohkelt pilte ja pisut kirjeldavat teksti ka.
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Little color splash in a cloudy day. These sunny yellow earrings were painfully boring to make. I've seen many 1920-40 brooches made this way and I wanted to try something like this. Oh, I did regret I chose earrings because earrings should be made in pairs!!!

I have done some more jewellery too. You can see them among others when you visit my little shop at Disainimaja. Go and check out because I don't think I'll post them here in my blog.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Color of the Month: Red April

Aprillikuu ehtevalik varasematest ehetest. Seekord on värviks punane.
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April gallery of previously made jewellery. I chose red for this one.