Ühest kõige esimesest ümmargusest prossi katsetusest sai kokku kolm ehet. Prossi küljes rippuvad vidinad harutasin lahti, osadest sai kõrvarõngad ning ripats käeketile. Prossil vahetasin taguse, kuid keskosa jätsin samaks (vot selline oligi esialgne variant, hiljem tehtutel on keskel suurem kivi ja selle ümber kümme väikest).
One of the first brooch attempts (when I tried to find the best way to make a circle brooch) ended up in three pieces of jewelry. I took apart the dangels and some of them became earrings. I changed the back plate of the brooch but kept the old version of the inner circle (new version was one bigger stone and ten smaller ones around it).