Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Navy Blue Set

Parajalt suur pross, milles on vintage swarovski ehtekivid navy blue koos Tšehhoslovakkia helelillade klaaskivikestega. Juurde ka sobivad kõrvarõngad. Ja veel, nüüdsest alates kannavad ka sellised kõrvarõngad nimemärgist ;)
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Quite a large brooch that has vintage swarovski Navy Blue and Czechoslovakian light amethyst rhinestones. With a matching pair of earrings. And more, starting from now thatkind of earrings are also signed ;)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Vintage Tallinn vol. 3

See laupäev (27.nov.2010) käisin vintage-ja retrokultuuripäeval Vintage Tallinn Telliskivi Loomelinnakus Terjega. Täitsa omapärane oli. Esines vintage bänd Rockin' Lady & her Rivertown Boys, mis oli nii vintage, et kontrabass muusikamängimisest lagunes! Aga soengud ja riietus oli neil kihvt. Aitäh teile, kes mind külastasid! Tore oli tutvuda ka blogi lugejatega :)

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This Saturday (27.nov.2010) I took part of a vintage- and retro culture day Vintage Tallinn in Telliskivi Loomelinnak with Terje. It was quite interesting. A vintage band played called Rockin' Lady & her Rivertown Boys, that was so vintage their contrabass fell a part during one of their song! But their harido's and clothing was cool. Thank you who visited me! And it was a real pleasure to meet the blog readers :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fancy Brooch with Fancy Rhinestones

Kui sain need piklikud kandilised kivid kätte, olin suures õhinas: nüüd teen midagi ilusat! Ent kivikestega mängides leidsin, et ei oskagi miskit teha neist... Kuni postiljon tõi 14mm swarovski ruudukujulisi (rounded square) ehtekive! Värvi nimi on indian sapphire ja see on taevalik!!! Ning see maleruudustikuga lihv on lihtsalt suurepärane!!! Ja siis sobis kõik omavahel kokku - 14mm indian sapphire sw. ruut, 10x3mm hematiidi värvi piklikud ja 6mm ümmargused klaaskivid ning lisaks veel haruldast sw. morion värvi kristallklaasist navette'd.

Valmis sai pross. Edevalt kive täis pikitud. Pisut tagasihoidliku, samas salapärase värvilahendusega.
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When I received those baguette rhinestones I though: I'll make something pretty out of them immidiately! But playing around with them I found I don't really know what to do with them at all... Until postman brought 14mm swarovski rounded square rhinestones! The color is Indian Sapphire and it's heavenly!!! And the chessboard facetting is absolutely gorgeous!!! And then it all came together - 14mm sw Indian Sapphire square, 10x3mm glass baguette and 6mm round rhinestone in hematite color with addition of rare swarovski discontinued color Morion navettes.

It became a brooch. Loaded of sparkly rhinestones. With a bit modest yet mysterious color combination.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Turquoise Blue

Vanad Tsehhoslovakkia klaasist ehtekivid ning imitatsioon türkiis, läbipaistmatud türkiissinised, metallikvasksed ning kraklee klaasist uued helmed. Mõned kõrvarõngad, käeketid ning lihtsamad kaelakeed siia pildirivvi ei mahtunud, niigi pikaks kiskus. Aga enamus neist õnnestus mul poodidesse sokutada (Les Petites' disainipood ning Kristiine kaubanduskeskuse Meribeli Käsitöösalongi).
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Vintage Czechoslovakian glass rhinestones and faux turquoise cabochons, new opaque turquoise blue, metallic and crackle glass beads. I left out some earrings, bracelets and two simpler necklaces from this selection, picture row is too long already. But I managed to get some of these in shops (Les Petites and Käsitöösalong Meribel in Kristiine Kaubanduskeskus).

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Palju on küsitud lihtsaid kõrvarõngaid ning olen lubanud, et neid teen. Aga kuidagi on ikka läinud nii, et pole nagu aega leidnud. Selle vea parandasin nüüd mõned päevad tagasi ära. Mõned näited uutest. Kõike ei hakka üles laadima. Mõnesid võid leida ka Disainimajast ning kindlasti panen üles ka DaWandasse.

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Many people have asked if I could make more simple earrings and I have promised I will. But as it turns out I never seem to find the time. I fixed this few days back. Some examples what I made. Not going to upload them all. Some you can find in Disainimaja and I will put some to DaWanda.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Jeee!!! Sain täna kätte ühe paki, mida väga ootasin! Tellimus ehtekivide pesadele saabus! Eriti õnnelik olen nende peenikeste ristküliku-kujuliste ehtekivide pesade üle! Nägin kurja vaeva, et leida neid kive (mõõdud 10x3mm!). Kallid olid, aga mõned värvid leidsin. Need pole standardse kujuga, seepärast pesasid mujalt poodidest ei hakanudki otsima, vaid andsin tootjale tellimuse sisse. Veel sain 15x7mm navette, 10x8mm ristküliku, 10x6mm tilgakujulise ning 6mm ümmargusi ehtekivide pesasid. Need kuluvad alati ära :)
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Yeiii!!! I received a package I waited so! An order of rhinestone settings arrived! I'm specially excited about the 10x3mm baguette settings! It was rather difficult to find that size and shape rhinestones. Expensive purchase but I have them now. These are not standard sized rhinestones so I didn't bother looking through the store for matching setting and made an order from a setting manufacturer. I also ordered 15x7mm navette, 10x8 octagon, 10x6mm pear and 6mm round settings. I always have a use for those :)