Monday, October 17, 2011

Starburst vol.2 in Light Smoked Topaz

Ma otsisin veel neid alla 2mm kivikesi, et korrata seda kaelakeed. Ja leidsin ühe paki, millel kiri Swarovski Light Smoked Topaz. Väga hea, mõtlesin, mul ju sama värvi teisi suurusi ka.

Kui paki (või õigemini tegu ümbrikumoodi asjaga) avasin, leidsin seest tillukeste kivikeste segu. Ja lähemal uurimisel oli näha ka värvi erinevusi. Pole Swarovski värvide proff, niimoodi pakkudes ütleksin, et seal oli peale Light Smoke Topaz'i veel Light Colorado Topaz. Viimane on natuke kollakam. Silma järgi suutsin enamvähem eristada kivikeste suurusi. Valmis selline kaelakee.

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I was looking for some tiny rhinestones to make this necklace in different color, when I came across a packege of these ones, Swarovski Light Smoked Topaz written on it. Very good, I thought, for I do have that color rhinestones in other sizes.

When I opened a package (that's more like an envelope), I found a mix of different sizes. And when I looked even closer I saw some color differences. I'm not aware of all Swarovski colors (there's just too many of them to know by heart), I think it also had some Light Colorado Topaz in it too. It's a bit more yellow. Fortunately I could see the size differences by naked eye. And this is a result. A necklace.

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