Sunday, December 18, 2011

Wedding Jewellery

Olen ammu tahtnud teha ühe kollektsiooni spetsiaalselt pulmade jaoks, kuid olen seda iga kord edasi lükanud. Põhiliselt on probleemiks olnud ka pärlite nigel tagavara ning ka kristallvärvi vintage ehtekivide nappus turul. Seetõttu ei saanud fantaasial vabalt lennata lasta ning isegi nüüd, kus osad asjad on valmis, pole ma saanud seda õiget tunnetust. Siin mõned pildid:

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I've always wanted to make a collection of wedding jewellery but there's always something else to do so I had to put it on hold too many times. Mostly I didn't have enough pearls anyway and crystal color vintage rhinestones too. Because of the material shortage I couldn't let my fantasy fly and even now when some pieces are finished I haven't got the real feeling. So here are some photos what I made.