Wednesday, March 28, 2012



Thursday, March 22, 2012

Vintage Rose Earring Buds...

Vanaroosa on vahest vastupandamatu... Lihtsad kõrvarõngad tillukese Swarovski Shadow Crystal ehtekiviga. Kasutasin Tšehhi läbipaistmatuid seemnehelmeid ning kristall on kinnitatud antiikvasksesse "pesasse". Ma tegin selliseid kõrvarõngaid mõne teise värviga ka. Aga nende roosadele valmistasin käeketi lisaks.

PS Ühinesin DaWanda kevadise allahindluskampaaniaga, mis kestab esmaspäevast 26.03.2012 kuni neljapäevani 05.04.2012. Erinevatel päevadel on allahindluses erinevad tootekategooriad, allahindlus on 12%

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Vintage rose is irresistible... Simple earrings with tiny Swarovski Shadow Crystal rhinestone. I used opaque Czech seedbeads and prong set the crystal into antique copper setting. I made a couple of earrings in other color too. But I made a matching bracelet to the pink ones.

PS I'm taking part from DaWanda spring sale, that lasts from Monday 26.03.2012 until Thursday 05.04.2012. Every day there is a category chosen that is on sale, 12% discount off the selling price of participating products.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Navy Blue & Crystal Set

Üle pika aja (tundus nagu igavik) valmis miskit =) Vaata Etsy'sse ka!
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Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket

After long time (seemed like eternity) I was able to make some jewellery =) Visit Etsy too!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Siin on üks pross, mille ostsin eelmise aasta lõpus. Mul lihtsalt vedas oksjonil. Sest saphiret prosside hinnad lähevad minu jaoks kättesaamatusse kõrgusse. Pärit on see kahekümnenda sajandi algusest ja arvatavasti Tšehhist. Siit prossist saadud kividega tegin ka need miss Molly kõrvarõngad. Pross ise oli päris palju kannatada saanud... Tundus, et päästa seda prossi raami polnud mõtet.

Aga ma ei suutnud seda ära visata. Ja niimoodi jäi see seisma nädalaid, kuni mõtlesin, et ma vähemalt proovin miskit ette võtta. Klaaskivid on Tšehhoslovakkiast. Uskumatu, et sellest õnnestus miskit teha...
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Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Here is a brooch that I bought in the end of last year. I had luck on one auction. Usually the price of saphiret jewellery will climb too high for me. It's from the beginning of XX century and probably from Czechoslovakia. I used these Saphiret glass stones in these miss Molly earrings. Brooch itself looked tired and out of shape... Seemed no point of saving it.

But I couldn't throw it away. It layed on my desk for weeks and then I decided to try atleast. Glass stones are from Czechoslovakia. I still can't believe it worked out...