Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Raindrops are falling...

Vihmastest ilmadest inspireerituna said valmis lihtsad ja pikad kõrvarõngad. Tegin need kiiruga, et oleks mindagi kõrva panna, midagi uut ;) Ning siis jäid need silma ühele inimesele, kes soovis samasuguseid. Tegin. Ja tegin veel punased ka.

Põhjus, miks need kõrvarõngad on hästi lihtsad, seisneb nende ehtekivide erilisuses. Minu jaoks siis... Need on 1950ndatest ja ma sain need originaal pakendites, millel olev kood annab alust arvata, et need jõudsid USA-s lattu aastal 1952! Ma sain just kristallivärvi ka ning ootan smaragtrohelist ning ametüsti värvi ka...
Sinised müügil Etsy's
Punased aga DaWandas

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Inspired by the rainy days I made these long and simple earrings. I made them in a hurry because I needed something to wear, something new ;) And they were noticed so I was requested to remake them again. I did. And now I made red ones too.

The reason I kept these earrings very simple is that these rhinestones are special for me. These are from the 1950's and I have them in original packages, the stamped code on the envelope indicates that they might have reached the US warehouse in 1952! I just received them in Crystal color too, and waiting for Emerald and Amethyst...
Blue ones are on Etsy
Red one on DaWanda

Monday, June 4, 2012

Secret Project:

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Sunday, June 3, 2012


Salaprojekt on valmis. See tekitas tõsist hasarti ning töö käigus tekkis väga palju erinevaid variante ning samuti ka valearvestusi. Varsti tulevad ka pildid, aga senikauaks panen siia mõned kasutatud materjalid ja nende kogused. Muidu nimekiri on tegelikult palju pikem. Kas arvate ära, millega tegu?
*Swarovski kristallid 2,8-4,6mm 108tk
*Swarovski navette ehtekivid 4tk
*2mm pärl 169tk
*3mm pärl 9tk
*4mm pärl 1tk
*6mm pärl 8tk
*8mm pärl 36tk
*tilgakujuline pärl 4tk
*kristallidega vahehelmes 24tk
*ehtenõelad 22tk
*ühendusrõngaid 29tk


My secret project is finished. It was absolutely thrilling process with many possible variations and also quite a lot miscalculations. I'll post photos soon but meanwhile you can read about some materials I used. The whole list is much longer ofcourse. Can you guess what I made?
*Swarovski chatons 2,8-4,6mm 108pcs
*Swarovski navettes 4pcs
*2mm pearl 169pcs
*3mm pearl 9pcs
*4mm pearl 1pc
*6mm pearl 8pcs
*8mm pearl 36pcs
*pearshaped pearl 4pcs
*rhinestone rondelle 24pcs
*ball pin 22pcs
*jump rings 29pcs

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Vintage Swarovski Pendant art. 43

Imeilusad kristallripatsid originaalpakendis :D Ripatsitel on lugematult peenikesi lihvitud tahke ning kui päiksekiir sellele peale paistab... Oh ja ah! Pakendil on õrnalt trükitud: 1/12 gross No 9x18mm Pendants Art 43 Crystal. Olen lugenud, et kolmekohalised artiklikoodid vahetati neljaste vastu 60ndate alguses. Ma ei tea, millal kahekohalised kasutusel olid, aga väita võib, et need on siis kuskil 50ndatest pärit. Nüüd on üks neist minu salaprojektis.

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Beautiful crystal glass pendants in original package :D Pendants have many fine facets and if the sunlight hits it... Gorgeous! Package has printing: 1/12 gross No 9x18mm Pendants Art 43 Crystal. I've read that 3digit article codes were replaced by 4digits in the beginning of the 60's. Don't know when 2digits were used but I think this package could be from the 50's. One of these pendants is in my secret project.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Yellow Sun & The Bright Blue Sky

Kaua mõtetes mõlkunud idee kasutada lükkimisel peenikest ketti nagu näha mõnedel vanadel ehetel sai nüüd teoks. Kett on vastupidavam ning ei tee vahet, kas helmestel on siledaks poleeritud või teravad augu servad.

Valmis sain juba mai alguses. See kaelakee on nagu suve taevas - särav päike ja helesinine taevas!


I finally made the idea of stringing on chain like seen on some antique jewelry happen. Chain is durable and it doesn't matter if the beads strung have sharp and unpolished hole edges.

I finished it in the beginning of May. This necklace is like a summer sky - shiny yellow sun and bright blue sky!