Sunday, January 26, 2014

Egyptian Revival Earrings with Vintage Glass Lapis Scarabee

Vaatasin ükspäev televiisorist saadet Egiptuse hauakambritesse peidetud ehetest ning tegelikult on olnud soov midagi selleteemalist teha juba ammu. Mõtlesin, et Egiptuse teemalised ehted antiikvasega koos võivad mõjuda pentsikult. Aga oli vaja ikkagi ära proovida.

Kõrvarõngastel on vintage klaasist skarabeusid, mis imiteerivad vääriskivi lasuriiti (lapis lazuli). Lisaks panin klaashelmeid värvides: türkiis, korall punane, alabaster, pärl ning kullavärvi.
pikad kõrvarõngad Eesti vintage Egiptus
glass scarabaeus scarabeus lapis turquoise coral pearl alabaster
handmade statement jewelry earrings Estonian designer jewelry jewellery

I was watching a show on the jewelry hidden in the chambers of the Egypt and I must admit I wanted to make something with this theme for while now. I thought that Egypt revival jewelry would look odd when combined with antique copper components. But I had to try.

There are two vintage glass scarabaeus with blue color imitating the precious stone lapis lazuli. As addition I used glass beads in colors: turquoise, coral red, alabaster, pearl and gold.