Sunday, May 25, 2014

Grab a Chair

Mõni aeg tagasi jõudsid minuni Prantsusmaalt paar tooli. Tillukesed. Inspiratsiooni ning ehetega koos pildistamise eesmärgiks. Uskumatu, aga tegu oli omal ajal praktilise asjaga :) Toolil on seljatoel väike konks, kuhu riputada uur.

A while back I received a couple if chairs from France. Tiny ones indeed. For inspirational reasons and to use with photographing jewellery. These were practical things actually a long time ago :) They have a little hook where to hang a pocket watch.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Black in Progress

Siin on 1920ndatest aastatest musta värvi klaashelmed. Need on 3mm suurused ning nende välimus viitab rohkem Prosseri meetodile kui pressitud helmeste tehnikale. Tahud on tekitatud vormi surumisega ning kõik helmed on ühest otsast ebatasased. Valmistatud Prantsusmaal. Lükitud linaniidile.
Mulle väga meeldib :)

Here are black glass beads from 1920's. These are 3mm in size and the look of them is more similar to Prosser technique than to pressed glass. Facets are created by pressing into molds and all beads are rougher on one end. Made in France. Strung on linen thread.
I like them a lot :)

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Single Row

Üherealine kaelakee vintage helmestega.
collier halskette atik ancienne perles perlen

Sinlge row necklace with vintage beads.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Souvenir Box

Ma ostsin selle suveniir-karbi Tallinna antiigikauplusest (Müürivahe 17/ Väike Karja 5). Tõeliselt kaunis ja rohkem kui 100 aastat vana. Kaane peale on graveeritud "Souvenir de Namur". See, mis siidist voodrist järgi, on kõik veel alles, koos siidiniidist valmistatud nööpidega... Ostsin selle 2009 aastal ja olen kasutanud pildistamisel.
I purchased this souvenir box from an antique shop in Tallinn, Estonia (Müürivahe 17/ Väike Karja 5).Truly beautiful and more than 100 years old. There is a text "Souvenir de Namur". The silk lining is barely there with little buttons from thread and all... I bought it in 2009, and used it as a prop when photographing.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

English Cut Beads

Here are some examples of  vintage beads that are so-called English-cut beads. It refers to the special faceting these beads have. Glass beads are pressed first and then some facets are cut, removing the rim created by the pressing pliers in the middle of the bead. The cutting creates a sparkling facets but I have some beads that are left uncut. Beads on the photos are from my collection.

Vintage klaashelmedperles ancienner de verre
English-cut beads in light blue. So-called silk glass brings out the
middle line where the upper and bottom mold has pressed the
Vintage näidiskaart klaashelmed perles ancienne de verre
Vintage sample card with "English-cut" beads that salesmen used.
vintage klaashelmed perles ancien de verre antik perlen
These beads have a mix of opaque white and transparent blue glass.
Vintage ja antiiksed helmed perles ancienne de verre alt perlen glas
Selection of English-cut bead hanks. The beads in the middle were
left uncut so the rim from pressing glass is still visible.
Neid vintage helmeid nimetatakse "English-cut". Mis viitab helmeste omanäolisele tahulisele kujule. Helmed pressitakse tangide vahel, andes nendele kuju, ning hiljem lihvitakse osad tahud üle, et eemaldada pressimisest tekkinud rant. Mul on mõned helmed, mis pole viimast lihvi saanud ja seetõttu on neil see rant veel alles. Siin on helmed minu kogust.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Reorganizing Saphiret

Siiani hoidsin oma Saphiret ehteid väikses 19.sajandi klaasist suveniir-karbis, mille ostsin kunagi Tallinnast antikvariaadist. Need ehted ei ole minu tehtud, tegemist on enamjaolt antiigiga. Võtsin ühe suurema karbi, mis on uuem, äkki kusagil 1980ndatest? Karbil on katki läinud see väike jupp, mille taha saab sõrme panna kaane üles tõstmisel. Aga mulle väga meeldib, et karp seisab neljal pisikesel jalal :) Karbi põhi on kaetud beeži sametiga, mis oli väga-väga tolmune. Veega pesema ju ei hakka ja nii võtsingi laia teibi ja korjasin kogu selle pudi ja tolmu sinna külge. Toimis suurepäraselt! 
antiik ehted
 Praremal üleval olev ümmargune pross ja sõrmus (märgistamata Florenza) on valmistatud pärast 1950ndaid. Ülejäänud 19-20sajandi vahetusel. Üleval vasakul olev suur prosss on olnud pannal ning saphiret roosikrants on taastatud ühest disainerkaelakeest.
Up right round brooch and ring (unmarked Florenza) were made after 1950's. Rest is made in the turn of the 19-20 century. Up left is a buckle converted into a brooch and down right is a saphiret rosary restored from designer-necklace.

I've kept my Saphiret jewellery in a small 19th century souvenir box that I bought in an antique shop from Tallinn. This jewellery is not made by me, it is mostly antique. I took another box, a bigger one that is newer, perhaps from the 1980's? The front clasp is broken off but the box has most adorable ornate feet :) It has a beige velvet, very-very dusty. I couldn't use water so I took a wide tape and collected the dust. It worked like magic!